“Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” This He said, signifying by what death He would die” (Jn 12:31-33)

These are the words our Lord spoke before He died on the Cross. It is clear that the victory of the Cross manifests as the ‘casting away’ of satan, called ‘the ruler of this world’. The victory of Christ is total and perfect. Nothing can be added and nothing can be removed. The glory is His alone. Christ took our sins on His body and died in our place. He died naked and forsaken. He took away our disgrace as condemned sinners. He opened the door of life eternal. He is the eternal hero of heaven and earth!


Christ’ death was painful and fearful. Men are supposed to run away from the Cross. But oh, the wonders of love… there is a strange magnetic attraction to go closer and see the Son of Man dying for me. The Blood shed on the Cross for my sins speaks of love never ending. The tears that fell at the foot of the Cross water any dry heart that lost its hope. Just as Moses lifted the serpent in the desert, so the Son of Man was lifted up. Like a banner of the army, directing and encouraging its soldiers to victory, so the serpent is lifted on that pole for all to see. But one glance is not enough to appreciate the death of the Lover of your soul.  You must look long until what you see changes your heart. Love changes hearts. In the desert there were poisonous serpents that killed the sinners (Numbers 21). There is no man-made medicine that can destroy the poison of sin. Doctor Jesus prescribes the only cure available to men. It is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! Do not look at yourself. You cannot save your soul and you cannot heal your sickness. But nothing is impossible with Jesus! That ulcer is not in your stomach. It is hanging on that pole. That fibroid is not in your womb blocking the way to pregnancy. It is there hanging on that pole. Look well and see malaria hanging there… If you believe, you shall be healed. But you need to look long to see Christ crucified. You must feel the pain and you must experience the victory. I declare that even now there is a lifting unto life. There is also a looking of faith. If you see what I see, if you see the truth of God’s sacrifice, then you shall live. You shall be healed! I promise you!



“And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said to him, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!… And the Lord said to him, “Surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat the Midianites as one man… Then the Lord said to him, “Peace be with you; do not fear, you shall not die.” …” (Jdg 6:12, 16, 23)
The prayer meeting was very good. The presence of God the Holy Spirit strengthened us to draw closer to the Cross, to worship God. The anointing had the fragrance of perfect love that never fails because it drives out all fears. “I’m in love, I’m in love, I’m in love… Sweet Holy Spirit, I am in love…” We have declared a season of Peace! We read from Judges 6. The people of God ‘did evil in the sight of the Lord’. This is sin in the house of the Lord. The people suffered. They were hungry and depressed. Then God initiate action (He always does that!). He calls a humble man, Gideon. He addresses him as a ‘Mighty man of valor’ (your identity is based on God’s Word to you, and not what you or others say about yourself). When God calls you all fears and inferiority complexes disappear. Gideon complains (complaining is the song of the devil. Do not join the choir of hell!). God overrules. God declares the victory even before the battle. God makes your life so easy… Gideon has faith and offers a sacrifice. God receives the sacrifice (we now offer sacrifices of praise). As you come to church and serve God, that is a sacrifice of praise. God accepts it. As you work for God, he will work on your behalf. As you worship God things happen and circumstances change. God proclaims peace! The fear of failure and future is gone! The fear of death disappears! The presence of God and your identity in Christ as a mighty man (woman) of valor will lead you from victory to victory! No man can stand against you all the days of your life! There is no need to worry about what will happen next week. The victory has been decreed and peace has been released on the land! God has spoken! It is written! The praise shall continue! In Jesus name, amen!


“But thanks be to God, who always leads us triumphantly as captives in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the sweet aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one, we are an odor of death and demise; to the other, a fragrance that brings life. And who is qualified for such a task?” (2Cor 2:14-16)

We just came from a nice vacation in Thailand and Singapore. These countries are blessed with many exotic fruits and vegetables. For example, I have never in my life eaten mangoes so sweet like the ones we bought from the river market in Thailand. But one of the most interesting fruits we saw was the Durian. It is called ‘the king of the fruits’. The outside layer is hard and has spikes. If you are not careful it may wound you! It has a very bad smell (like rotten meat). But the inside of the fruit is yellow, sweet and soft like vanilla custard. If you are able to ignore the smell you will be surprised how good the inside is. They say that this exotic fruit has many healing properties: it prevents cancer, diabetes, headache, anemia, insomnia, depression and anxiety. Because of its smell this fruit is not exported. You need to go to Southeast Asia to eat it. It is forbidden inside most hotels, halls and malls. It is always sold and eaten outside on the streets.

To me, this fruit is like a Spirit filled born again Christian. On the outside, we may look tough and harsh. We may wound others with our preaching. Our ‘aroma’ is unpleasant to the sinners but sweet to the believers. Inside, the Holy Spirit has made us kind, gentle and wise. The unbelievers may refuse to invite us into their homes but outside on the streets we are free and we preach Christ Crucified and Resurrected. Our aroma spreads the sweet scent of heaven. This prevailing spiritual perfume makes us leaders and heroes. Surprisingly, in Thailand, the durian (‘the king of the fruits’) was my inspiration to draw closer to the King of kings! Halleluiah!
