Job was a righteous man who feared God. He had the reputation of ‘the greatest man’ of his generation. God allowed the devil to attack Job. He lost all his reputation, his wealth, his children and his health. His marriage and his friends were almost gone. Job wanted to die but God restrained him. He had to pass thru this peculiar furnace of unmerited grief so that the secret of his heart might be revealed to him. His complaints reveal hidden pride, secret fears and doubts that are common to all believers.

*No encounter!

Job believed in Almighty God who created the universe. But he was unable to believe that the same God is personally interested in him as a friend.

‘Even if I summoned Him and He responded I do not believe He would give me a hearing…’

*No Intercessor!

Job believed in Almighty God. But he was unable to believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of Man, High Priest and Intercessor.

‘God is not a man like me…If only there were someone to arbitrate between us, to lay his hand upon us both; someone to remove God’s wrath from me so that His terror would frighten me no more…’

*No joy! No heaven!

Job believed in God who lives in heaven. But he lacked the assurance of salvation. He did not believe that in God’s presence there is fullness of joy, which is independent of the circumstances. He did not believe that God’s chastisement is His choice method to purify the soul. He assumed that God’s wrath means punishment without mercy. He doubted his salvation assuming that after all this suffering, he will end in hell.

‘Are not my few days almost over? Turn away from me so I can have a moment’s joy before I go to the place of no return… to the land of deepest night, of deep shadow and disorder, where even the light is darkness’ (Job 1:1-3; 9:16, 32-35; 10:20-22)


‘Dear Job,

This is my letter to you…

I was once just like you, confident of my righteousness and having my own invented hope. I did not believe that the Almighty God ‘has time’ for me. I did not believe that He can stop from His busy schedule and notice me, a worm; a shadow on the earth He has created. I too did not see the value of my soul. I thought that prayer is a waste of time. I thought the believers are deceived to entrust their hopes to fake imaginations. That is why for many years I did not pray at all. I trusted myself and not another. I had no need of God. I chose to make myself happy thru hard work and a good name. I did not believe in God or devils, in heaven or in hell. I thought that the spirits’ realm is a fantasy, the product of men’s imagination.

I never truly considered the possibility that above all the stars that blink at night, God might exist. I never sat down to think that God might be interested in my personally, as a Friend. All these thoughts seem too good to be true and I did not want to inflate my hopes with dreams that are not real. So doubt was my religion; unbelief my doctrine and hard work my agenda. My family, my country people, they too did not believe in God. So why will I be different than my entire world?

My letter to you could have ended with that simple question. It could have been sealed with the bitterness and the frustration of life. But the truth is so much different than all my fears and doubts…

This is the truth that I have personally found: God has come down to me and He has saved my soul. He has totally defeated my fears, my unbelief and my rebellion. I am now in Christ ‘a new creation’. He that made the stars, made me anew. Jesus Christ, the Son of Man and the Son of God died for me on a cross. He saved my soul and healed my body. He filled me with His personal peace and eternal joy. He gave me a new song to sing. He made an eternal romantic poet out of the scientific me. He freed me from men’s expectations and judgments. Jesus became the Intercessor I never dreamed about. He is now my God, my High Priest and best of all, He is my friend forever.

I encourage you to be patient in all your trials, for at last, your faith will become better than gold. God knows you personally, not only your pastor or your governor, but He knows you! He knows exactly when you woke up this morning. He knows your anxious thoughts and your fear of failure. He knows about your job, your boss, your salaries and bonuses. He knows about your loans and your desire to pay them off. He knows your weight and all about your headaches. He knows about your loneliness and fear of poverty. He knows all things because He is God!

Honor God by totally trusting Him in everything! ‘The end of the matter is better than the beginning’ for God will make it so (Ecc 7:8). You may not understand now the value of these trials but later, looking back, you shall see the change in your character and you shall worship God. Do not jump to conclusions based on appearances, for these can deceive and hurt you. Do not judge anything half way down the road. Wait patiently until you reach the destination, for everything has a purpose, that God may be glorified.

Dear Job, let your sadness become joy! Unknown beauty shall suddenly bloom from this heap of ashes! Use your hands to clap and your mouth to sing! Praise God, for there is still hope for you! I know it for I was there!

Glory to the Lamb who was slain!




‘This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel says:

‘In repentance and rest is your salvation; in quietness and trust is your strength!’

But you would have none of it. You said: ‘No, we will flee on horses’…

Therefore pursuers will be swift! A thousand will flee at the threat of one…till you are left…like a banner on a hill’

Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you. He rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him’ (Is 30:15-18)

This is the royal road of salvation. Many holy pilgrims testify to it. From time to time, I am troubled in my soul but I do not know why. I pray and ask God to come to me. I wait for God quietly and patiently. I know that God does not tempt me. I am confident He knows that I wait. I know that He will not give me more than I can bear. I know that He is Almighty and He is kind. It is not His fault that I find myself so troubled. I know that it is sin living in me. My problem is that I do not know what sin plagues me. I do not want to assume anything. I want God to come, to expose the very sin that troubles me. I am willing to repent. I want to repent. Just to know the truth, that is all I need…


This waiting is hard. Waiting for God to come is never easy. There is a false hope called ‘fleeing on horses’. I become impatient with God and just go away, abandoning my position of waiting. The horses look attractive; they look strong. The horses that call me are money and fame. They invite me to a life of activity, of ‘ministry’ far away from this ‘demanding’ God. My hope is that I become a master rider. I can teach others to ride them too. I can enroll in horse races and become a champion of the world. On top of a horse I look taller and more impressive with my achievements. I will surely look more ‘cooperate’, more ‘posh’ than others who can only afford lowly donkeys or walk on foot…

A sinner always imagines himself a champion, far away from the restrains of his Father’s House. But this ambitious life of sin has no rest and no peace. There is no oasis in the desert of the world. There is no cup and no well to drink water when thirsty… just a continual lust for more medals and more trophies. A sinner is a lonely champion. He kills all to climb the mountain of fame. Along the path, he makes only enemies.  He has no friends. He fights to win. He has forgotten the power of love and life. Salvation and rest are strange dreams killed to feed the horses. At last, forsaken and guilty, he plants the flag of sin on top of the Everest of his own childhood ambition…

Success without God will surely damage your soul.

Money without God will surely dry your heart.

Marriage without God will surely destroy your vision.

Come back to God!

Have you forgotten the taste of mercy? Do you still remember how it feels to be loved? Wait for God, even if you think that it is ‘too late’! You need God’s mercy much more than money, fame or miracles.


This is God’s promise:

‘Even now, I rise to show you compassion!’


‘Amen, Lord!

Show me compassion, according to Your promise!’



Jesus commanded His disciples. ‘Let us go to the other side…’ (Mk 4:35-41).

They ‘left the crowd behind…’ This was to be a personal test for the disciples alone. ‘Tired as He was’ Jesus went to sleep in the boat. Then a furious storm started. The waves were higher than the boat. At the beginning, the disciples did not bother to wake Jesus, knowing Him to be a carpenter and a teacher. Jesus was not a fisherman like most of them. He cannot help…or so they thought. But when the wind increased and the boat was almost overturned, they cried to Him in despair:

‘Teacher, don’t You care if we drown?’

Jesus woke up and rebuked the winds. The storm suddenly stopped and it was completely calm. But in the midst of that wonderful peace, Jesus rebuked His disciples for their doubt. They looked at Him as a Teacher, as a liability in the midst of a crisis. It was obvious that they lacked mature faith in Him. They did not believe that Jesus is God ‘who never sleeps or slumbers’ and is in control of all things.

Just like them, many believers trust God only before or after the storm. But in the middle of a crisis, they reverse back to their elementary fears and doubts. They go to their natural way of thinking, to the common sense of the flesh, and like lost children, they panic and cry.

Mature faith remains unmoved by circumstances, trusting the God who can stop the wind with His very breath. Mature faith has the same peace before, in the middle and at the end of the trial.

Trials are like tunnels. Before the train enters the tunnel, it is light. Suddenly darkness comes. For a time it seems like the darkness will never end. That pain, that weeping, that loneliness…it seems like they will go on forever. But at the end of the tunnel the sun shines once more. Tunnels are not graveyards. We are just passing thru. All these trials and temptations, all these things you battle, they ‘come to pass…’

Our life should not depend on the circumstances. Christ is our life. Our faith is rooted in the Cross and in the Promises of God. Heaven is our destination. Joy is our portion. Eternal life is our inheritance. These are blessed things that have come to stay.

Do you boast about your faith only when your feet are set on the dry land? Do you have the same faith in the middle of the storms of life?

Jesus said: ‘Let us go to the other side’.

Do you trust Jesus to finish what He has started in you? Do you trust Jesus in between the shores? Do you trust Him in the middle of the storms of life? Do you trust Him when He is silent? Do you trust Him when He is sleeping? Do you trust Him when He answers others’ prayers but ignores your own?

This is my testimony: Jesus has been with me always. I am a witness to His faithful fellowship, no matter the circumstances. Each time He sent the Word to me, His power came with it. He has been with me in riches and poverty, in sickness and in health, at home and abroad. Why will I doubt Him now? Why will I fear the end of the matter? Why will I fret in the midst of things unknown? Why will I be sad when men betray me? Why will I lose my temper when men provoke me?

He has commanded me to rejoice always, so I will rejoice! He is my Shepherd and He is my God!

As for me and my household, we shall trust the Lord! Always! And forever!

‘This is my story; this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long…’


Jesus Christ is 100% Man and 100% God. He revealed to us the greatest human love and the greatest divine love. Many claim that are believers but they are following a denomination, an idea or a dream. They have religious zeal but they lack the seal of love. It is only a born again child of God that is privileged to manifest true love.

The greatest and the highest love a man can ever manifest is ‘to lay down his life for his friends’. This is what Jesus said. From time to time, in the history of mankind, there were few heroes who did just that. Paying the price for this servant love, they became leaders of men. The rest admired them, followed them and even worshipped them. They became a source of inspiration thru the power of love.

In the Bible, the best example of such a love is shown by David’s ‘three mighty men’. They were his true friends. They heard him say that he wanted to drink a cup of water from the well of Bethlehem. He was home-sick. He was tired of running thru the wilderness. For a moment he became weak; a child lost in this strange, wicked world. Tired and thirsty, that cup from the spring of Bethlehem was a longing, a refreshing to his body and to his soul. But that sweet water of revival was not cheap. The well was behind the enemy’s lines. But the three friends loved David. His whispered wish was their command. They quickly decided to go over there by night, when ‘ordinary’ men are sleeping. They risked their lives but at last they brought to him the water of life. Shaking, with the cup in his hands, David could not drink the water because of the price involved. He poured it on the ground as a sacrifice unto the Lord. That is the greatest love a man has, to lay down his life, to die for his friends.

But Jesus went higher than that. He manifested the love of the Father, ‘the agape love’. He did what no man could ever do. He did what no man could ever imagine. He did not just die for His friends. He died for His enemies!!! He died for us, the enemies of God!!! He loved us, the sinners. He died for us ‘while we were still powerless’ and wicked. He died for us long before we knew we needed salvation.

This is the Gospel we preach: ‘Christ died for the ungodly’!

The words below are holy. Please read and mediate on them.

‘Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man. Though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrate His love for us in this: while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us’

O, How I love Jesus…

That is why I will never stop serving God!

That is why I will never cease to praise His name!

(Jn 15:13; 2Sam 23:13-17; Rom 5:6-8)



‘Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever!’

The people of God provoked Him with their sins again and again. He saved them from their enemies, made a path thru the Red Sea for them to walk on a dry ground; gave them food and healed their diseases. But they took God for granted and refused to be grateful.

This is a list of some of their sins (Psalm 106)

*They ‘were bent on rebellion’

*They did not ponder on the purpose of the miracles

*They forgot God’s many acts of kindness

*They soon forgot God’s mighty deeds to save them

*They coveted other things to make them happy

*They coveted the position of leadership of Moses and Aaron and rebelled against them

*They made idols and worship them in place of God

*They forgot God Himself, their Savior who brought them out from the house of bondage

*They despised the Promised Land

*They doubted God’s promises and replaced them with their covetous desires

*They secretly grumbled in their tents against God and His chosen leaders

*They did not obey God’s Word and His commands

*They sacrificed their children to ‘lifeless gods’, shedding innocent blood

*They ‘mingled with the nations’ becoming friends with the world

*They intermarried with the unbelievers and worshipped their idols

*They prostituted with the pagan idols

This list is so sad. This list is not complete. The result is that God became angry. He answered their request for strange pleasures and illegal happiness but He also punished them in the midst of them/ They became sick in their bodies and minds. They lost their special position of leadership among the nations. They were scattered and lost their identity as God’s priests and kings.

The solution is to come back to God with all our heart. We have to confess all our sins, especially the sin of rebellion and pride. We are to separate ourselves from the nations, reject friendship with them and chose once more to be alone with God.

Then God will hear our prayers, revive our souls, heal our bodies and restore us to the primary purpose of our lives: to know and serve God alone forever!

‘Remember me O Lord when You show favor to Your people…’ (Ps 106:4)

In Jesus name,



It is not enough to have the knowledge; it is not enough to say that you believe; you need to prove your faith with works following!

Like an orange tree produces oranges by itself, so faith and life produce the fruit of the Spirit that none can deny!

Souls are hungry for the reality found in Christ alone! Not religion and fake smiles, but true love that never fails!

Do you feel the hunger around you? Then supply the hope of the Gospel to them and lives will change, nations will change…to the glory of God!

“Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them!” (Jn 13:17)


 “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith” (Gal 6:7-10)
This is the law of God: *We are commanded to do good to all, especially to the believers! *We are commanded not to be tired in ministry! *We reap exactly what you saw! *We reap more than what we’ve sawed!
The devil uses people to deceive us. He will make them come and take advantage of the fact that we have no option to cheat, to lie and to manipulate.
We do not even have the luxury to be tired in doing good; to take a holiday and relax from obeying God. We cannot backslide successfully.
The devil infiltrates our ranks with false brethren who speak like us but do the opposite. They are planted to discourage the good work of God. They pretend that seeds of wickedness will become a harvest of prosperity, that plantation of evil will miraculously become the gain of fame and honor.
Please remember that we serve a God who sees all things. He knows all things! Our Father in Heaven cannot be deceived even if we, His children fall prey to wicked men.
Please, take courage! Remember: you are a child of God, your destiny is eternal life, your harvest is righteousness and your seal is the Spirit of Life and Peace!
May the strength of the Spirit be your portion today!
In Jesus name!
All to the glory of God!



Apart from the Lord, King Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived. He gives us good advice on how ‘to enjoy’ the only life we have to live on this earth.

‘Life no get duplicate’ –says a Nigerian Proverb. So true!

These are some lessons I’ve found in the Book of Ecclesiastics, Chapter 9:

*Everything is in God’s hands. He has the last say in all human affairs. Do not worry about men for God is sovereign over all things that pertain to you, good or bad, mistakes or failures. Nothing happens ‘by mistake’ for God is actively in charge of the universe He has created! So relax and trust God! You are not god! Be more grateful for your blessings! Do not compare your lot with another’s. God is in control!

*Death is part of life. All men die. Death is sure. Life on earth is unique. It is also limited. You have a limited amount of opportunities to fulfill your destiny and be happy. Why not happy then?

* There are only two types of men: righteous or evil, saved or unsaved, born again or lost. Humble yourself and make sure you belong to the people of Jesus. There is no repentance after death. Do not waste any opportunity to draw closer to God, to go to church, to be part of the Body of Christ, to worship God in Spirit and in Truth! Seek spiritual fruit in all situations! Life is not just ‘buying and selling’! ‘To me life is Christ! I seek Him always and rest not unto I can plug into His grace! Not religion, but life!

*God saves some people by His grace, in Christ alone, by faith alone. The rest are condemned and lost forever! Be sure of your standing before God! Pray not only for the salvation of your soul, but for the assurance of your salvation. This assurance is an added gift, by the Holy Spirit. It comes only to the obedient believers. It gives them enough’ room’ to be free! Only then you can serve God without anxiety of life. The assurance of salvation is rest for the soul and happiness for the body; it is blessing to the marriage and family! Seek for it as for silver and gold! Believer, do not be lazy!

*Do all things in God’s presence and for His glory. Eat and drink ‘before the throne of mercy and grace’. Did you eat bread this morning? Then be grateful! Many people did not have bread to eat! Be sure you do not take food for granted! There should be no complaining at the dinner table! Jesus said to all His servants: ‘Eat whatever is given to you…’

*’Enjoy life with your wife’…Marriage is a gift of God. Some are married and some are not. You are to trust God for the gift of marriage. It does not depend on beauty of money. It is God’s gift. You have to humble yourself to receive the gift of marriage. Also, you MUST be happily married! This is God’s command! Any disobedience to God’s command is called witchcraft (1Sam 15:23). Any unhappy marriage is connected with the occult. You have to choose between your wife and a witch. You can’t have both! Chose marriage! Be happy! Tell your wife (your husband) that you are grateful for coming into your life, for sharing all things together! I am sure you are not blind…you see other women more beautiful than you…you see other men richer than you…but God said that you shall be married and it was so! Be grateful!

*Be sexually and morally pure!

*Be anointed with the Holy Spirit and ready for ministry, anytime, anywhere! Be a Living Bible walking on two feet!

*Enjoy all things every day! Enjoy every minute for there is no another. Enjoy your marriage, your children and your family! Enjoy your church, driving to church, parking in front of your church…Enjoy the church activities, the choir rehearsals, the waiting for the service to start, the prayer times, the preaching of the Word, the worship, the offerings, the assembly of the brethren…Stop wishing for a better wife, a better church, a better opportunity to serve God and people…another opportunity may never come! Be at peace with all men!

* A personal touch: My husband and I we travel a lot. Traveling is not easy. It adds stress that comes with changing your environment and meeting strange people. We always pray that wherever we go we shall be ambassadors of Christ and messengers of peace. We pray that people will remember us for good and not for trouble. We pray that the Holy Spirit will use our words and actions to minister life to the people we meet, long after we have forgotten their names.

We have discovered the sweet secret of successful fulfilled life in Christ! The older we get, the sweeter it is! We are happy and enjoy our lives in all circumstances. It is a wonder for our traveling companions but also a challenge to them to be the same.

I write these words on my laptop in a hotel room, far away from home… in a country where 98% of the people are Muslims. I look outside the window and I see only mosques…But I also see the sun and the sea, the birds and the sky, the same everywhere…and I bow my head in worship… things may change, but God is forever the same…and that is enough for me!

May the Holy Spirit anoint this letter to touch your hearts and draw you closer to the God we serve!

In Jesus name




‘A city on a hill cannot be hidden…Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven!’ (Mt 5:16)

We went today at the Mount of the Beatitudes. Pastor Leigh read some scriptures. It was real, like Jesus was there…

The Lord commands us to ‘shine our lights’ in this world. In this way, the unbelievers will see something they have never seen before. They will be attracted and come closer to behold something new, something that has the light of heaven and the eternal life at its source.

Our salvation was never meant to be private. Our ministry is not to be used for personal gains only. The Gospel is not a book you read and mediate only in your quiet time. Christianity is a public ‘enterprise’.  It is designed to shine, to attract, to expose, to confront and to bless.

Do you know that you have to be ‘a famous actor’ for Jesus? Do you think about this? Are you making up your mind that you are on a stage, with the lights on, with the microphone of angels at your mouth? To be shy in a moment like this, ‘to forget your lines’ because you claim to have anxiety… that is criminal. Souls perish while you still waste time in your dressing room powdering your shiny cheeks…

Come as you are…your profile may not be perfect for ‘the role’ but use whatever you have… right now! Invest in holy moments and you will be surprised at what God will do with your ‘presentation’…

Reject the fear of men!

Reject the vanity of your beauty!

Reject your perfectionism!

Just have faith!

Step forward…the curtains lifted…with all that is in you, say:

‘I love you!’

Let the world ask you:

‘Why do you do this?’

Tell them:

‘Because I love you’

Then one day they shall ask you ‘the million’ question:

‘Why do you love me?’

That is the moment you have been waiting for! Now you can pass thru the open door of faith and tell them the truth:

‘Because I belong to Jesus and He sent me to you. Give your life to Christ!’

Shine! Shine! Shine!


Let us pray:

‘Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to say thank You for such a beautiful gift, the salvation of my wretched soul. Thank you for sending Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die for my sins. By His death on the cross, I believe that He has redeemed me from the curse and punishment of sin. I am now free in Christ to live in Your presence to serve and to worship you forever. King of Glory, come into my heart and stay. Thank you for coming in.

In Jesus mighty name I pray,



After seventy years of captivity in Babylon, God makes a way and brings back to Jerusalem a remnant of people to rebuild the Temple and the city. Jeremiah prophesied that God will send them into exile to humble them for their sins of rebellion and disobedience. But the prophet also said that after seventy years they shall come back, to start afresh the public wors…hip. Millions were sent away and now only about fifty thousand return.
In the Book of Ezra chapter 3, we see that the people and the priests prepare to build the Temple that was destroyed by the Babylonians. Before laying its foundation, they wisely chose to re-start the public worship. They rebuild the brazen altar and offer on it burnt sacrifices. Then they begin to praise God saying: ‘He is good! His love endures forever’ Then they lay down the Temple foundation. The reaction to this work of God was mixed. The young people were clapping their hands, shouting, dancing and singing with joy. But the old people, who have seen the mighty temple that Solomon has built, they wept with sorrow. The reason is that this foundation looks so little compared with the one in the past. So the young people were rejoicing, praising God and the old people were weeping, grieving for the past glories.
What are the dangers of such attitude? If you live in the past, you shall lose your joy and your strength, your praise, your leadership influence and ministry. The old people should have encouraged the younger ones to look unto God and to rejoice. Circumstances change, resources change, but God never changes.  They should have led the younger generation in showing gratitude to God for His mercy in their rebellion, for His constant presence with them even in Babylon. They should have encouraged the young ones to praise God even more for a new open door when all hope was lost and for the fulfillment of prophetic utterances.
The past is there for us to learn wisdom, to draw strength, to learn thanksgiving. But the past is not the place to dwell. It is too dangerous. It will make you older before your time. It will kill the hope for the future. It will make you bitter, angry and depressed. Apostle Paul did not stop doing ministry even in prison. He wrote almost all his letters from there. ‘For me to live is Christ…’ For as long as I live I shall continue to praise God, give Him thanks, encourage the brethren and do ministry.



What was the Apostle’s ‘thorn in the flesh’? Nobody knows. It could have been a chronic sickness, constant persecutions, hardships, insults…all for the sake of Christ…Not all ‘thorns’ are the same. Each person has a different problem that repeats itself and is not ready to go away even if he prays against it.

Apostle Paul prayed, he begged God to take it away, but the Lord ignored his request. But the same God gave him great revelations of His Word and of His Spirit. Paul wrote half of the New Testament. The thorn apparently did not kill him, just made him more effective in his ministry.

The question is this: Who does not want such ‘a thorn’? What is its torment compared to the glory revealed? Nothing!

The most important lesson is this:

God ‘designs’ and ‘sends a thorn’ to each child He wants to use and bless!

Each thorn has a purpose. If you are sick and no doctor can help, please remember that nothing is random in a believer’s life. The main reason for such a chronic problem is to keep you humble. Pride is an enemy, a deceptive enemy. We need help from God to remain humble and to be a vessel for His honor and grace. Pride can destroy a testimony, a ministry. Do you remember Nebuchadnezzar? Pride almost destroyed him, if not for the grace of God who gave him a second chance.

The thorn is painful but necessary to keep you humble. Do not be discouraged when the pain does not go away. Don’t you see that in other areas God is blessing you? As you accept the blessings, accept the occasional pain too.   Is the same God that gives them to you! Both are depended on one another.

For example, if you know that for each occasional headache you will receive a million dollars, you will not be worried about your headaches anymore. You will not pray against them anymore.

If from time to time your boss insults you, for no good reason, but each time he pays you a million dollars, you will not be so upset about his nasty words. The process is still painful but you can boast about the effect it has on you and the blessings that follow!

It is because you do not see the connection between suffering and blessings… that is why you cry and complain. God weakens our flesh; He kills it in fact. The process is necessary to prepare the way for grace to enter. This pain is peculiar. It can be very painful one minute, and disappears in the ocean of prosperity the next day.

May God open your heart to His way of inflicting pain and adding grace and glory to you! That is what you need: opened eyes and open hearts to God’s way of love, to the royal way of the Cross!




‘Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends…I have called you friends…’ (Jn 15:13-15)

If I am a friend of Jesus Christ, then I lay down my life for Him. Simple! It does not mean that I go through the big crisis of death. It means that I lay down my life deliberately, just as I would lay out a pound note (naira note) on the counter. For example, I have a day before me, twenty hours in all. I am going to lay it out in devotion and obedience to Jesus all through. I will remember Jesus every second of that day.

Love in action is difficult, and thank God it is difficult. Salvation is easy because it cost God so much, but the manifestation of it in my life is difficult. God does expect a man to be a man.

God saves a man and endues him with His Holy Spirit and says in effect:

‘My son, now it is up to you to prove your salvation. Work it out! Let the invisible work I have done in you become visible to others. Be loyal to Me while the nature of things round about you try to make you disloyal. I have called you ‘friend’. Now stand loyal and faithful to your greatest Friend. My honor is at stake in your bodily life!’


(Oswald Chambers, 1874-1917)



‘Good morning Malia… I’m worried about something; I hear this from a lot of people. So I want to hear God’s opinion… it’s true that as man or woman we are not destined for a particular man or woman in marriage…I am a child of God’


Why are you worried?

‘God has not given us the evil spirit of fear (worry) but of power, love and sound mind’ (2Tim 1:7).

This is a spiritual law: Any topic, any discussion, any book, any idea…that attacks your peace (with God, with yourself, with others) is of the devil and it should be rejected 100%.

Marriage is not essential for salvation so it is not as important as being pre-destined to be saved. After salvation, we are to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in a process called sanctification. By obeying the truth the flesh dies and the spirit rises to live. It is a painful process but necessary to spiritual maturity. Along the way, the believer may choose to marry. His motives may still be carnal in the choice of a wife. But no matter what, all things shall still work together for good for them that love God and are called according to His greater purpose to know and serve Him forever.

The choice of a life partner is connected with the level of faith too. Some people are ‘barely’ saved and have a very low view of marriage. Leave them alone. Connect with wise people who cultivate a spirit of excellency, are wise, patient and loving.

‘Delight yourself in the Lord and He shall give you your very heart desire (not another’s)’ (Ps 37:4).

My personal testimony is this: I have no doubt at all that my husband and me, we were destined to be saved, to get married and together to work for the Lord in full time ministry.

To God be all the glory!

I wish you well!

Have faith in God!

May God’s perfect will be done in your life, in Jesus name, amen!

Edible flowers


“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Ps 133:1)

The fellowship of the brethren, the unity of the Spirit in the Body of Christ is both good and pleasant. It is good to the taste and pleasant to the eyes. It challenges the mind and the imagination. But it also fires up the heart with its deepest passions.

One easy way to describe this mysterious combination is study the edible flowers. God created beautiful flowers of many colors. Some are not just attractive, they are also nutritious. They can be eaten with salad, deep fried, with meat dishes, with pasta or deserts. God is so creative and artistic. He is never boring. Please think of Jesus…mediate on His Holy Person…

When last you wrote a letter to God?

When last you tried your pen for a poem of romance and passion for Jesus?

When last you sang a new song titled ‘For my First Love’?

When was it that your words failed you and your knees too…and you fell down in adoration to your Maker?

If your walk with God is just a boring routine of restless motions, no feelings, no longings, no desire to touch the height of an excellent spirit, no interest in new pursuits to improve your worship…then stop!!!

Come back to the Cross! Look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith! Let the baptism of His fire purge your inmost being and cleanse the secret sin of doubt!

Fall in love with Jesus!

After all, He loved you from the foundation of the world!

May my words be fire and may your heart be dry wood!

The fire of revival will destroy the darkness of this land and add to His eternal glory!

In Jesus name,


(in the pictures are edible flowers: Yellow Daylilies, Purple Chrysanthemum,  Yellow and Purple Pansies and Roses)



Wisdom controls the tongue and the life!

“She opens her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness” (PV 31:26)
God created the tongue especially as an organ for speech. It is a little organ, compared with others. But it has great spiritual power, for good or for evil, according to the speech. The tongue is a slave to the words proceeding from the heart. That is why no man can control its tongue. The change for good starts in the heart. Then the speech and the life shall improve.
Practically, a wise woman is known by her few words seasoned with grace. This is not an easy accomplishment. You have to pray for peace and order to rule in your heart. Totally reject any form of confusion! The heart is like a house, clean or dirty. As a wife and mother you should know where each item is, where to find the things you need. You are even supposed to find things that are ‘lost’ by your husband and children. Your family will say about you: ‘Ask mummy, she knows where that thing is…’ Just like with your house, your heart must be in order. Each thought, each imagination, each emotion should be under the control of the Holy Spirit. When you speak, you should easily remember the best words to apply in each circumstance. You will not improvise with words of common sense. You do not need many words, going in circles, repeating ideas endlessly. Your speech is orderly, clean and easy to understand by the hearer. Reduce the quantity of your words and improve on their spiritual quality. Any word that proceeds from natural common sense is of low value. Any word spoken under the anointing of the Holy Spirit is power and is life. Your words should be ‘edited’ by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. No conversation should leave you tired, frustrated, ashamed, guilty or with a feeling of regret. Each word should be a gift of life to your listeners.
When speaking, you should never lose your temper, start sweating, pour insults, gesticulate unnecessarily or create division and anger among your hearers. You should aim to live a life that has no regrets; no mistakes in your speech or your deeds. This ideal is possible only thru the power and the leading of the Holy Spirit!

Speak like Jesus more and more often!

(In the picture, Pastor Trish Eresanara)

Wisdom rewards its owner!

(from our women’s fellowship)
‘Blessed is the man (the woman) who finds wisdom!’ (PV 3:13)
Divine wisdom is not available on earth. You have to desire it; you need to seek for it like ‘for a hidden treasure’ buried in the ground. God has promised to always answer the prayer for wisdom. Once that wisdom comes, you shall know ‘every good path’ to take. You will not go astray into the trap of the wicked and violent men. You will not be deceived by the worldly religious women who kidnap the hearts of their victims thru seducing words and painted lips. Wisdom helps you to identify and ‘shun evil’. This life style becomes health to your body and strength to your soul. You will not die untimely death. Your paths shall be simple, straight and bright. Wisdom is profitable for all things in life and it is pleasant and sweet. Wisdom is protection. Wisdom is generous, kind to its neighbor. It never says: ‘Come back later; I’ll give it to you tomorrow…’ when you have it with you.
The path of wisdom is not easy. Fools mock wisdom, thinking that its labor or love is too costly. Loneliness is a price to pay if you want to be wise. You need to love the Word of God and its study needs time. Other women may go shopping when you stay at home reading your Bible and praying. Of course they will think that you are not ‘normal’. But the beauty of a life of wisdom is that it gets better as time goes by. Your worldly friends will panic as they get older. The wrinkles on their faces will torment them ignoring the truth that natural ‘beauty is fleeting’. But wisdom in the heart becomes the mysterious beauty of holiness. Your face becomes softer and your words become sweeter. No cosmetic surgery can compete with that!
Just in case you read these words and you mock them, I am sorry for you dear sister. You can tear this paper, but you cannot change the word of God and the blessings that come on them who chose to be wise. Wisdom starts like a seed planted in the heart by Him who loved you first. Then the Holy Spirit and your tears shall water this holy plantation. At last, when you think that God has forgotten your pains, wisdom shall bloom like the rose in the desert and shall become your harvest of righteousness. Your words will bring light into the darkness, healing into sick bodies, peace into confusion and freedom from bondage.
‘He (she) who wins souls is wise!’ (PV 11:30)

(in the picture, sister Tina praying during Sunday service)


“As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built” (Lk 6:47-48)

manarola, Cinque Terre, Italy
Wisdom is the foundation built on the Rock called Christ. On top of it, tall and visible to all, shall stand the building of character, glory, honor and praise. Any project that doesn’t start with prayer or seeking God for its success shall fall! We need wisdom always, but especially at the beginning of a new season in life. For example, we need wisdom to find the right school, the right job, the right man to marry… We need wisdom for the wedding day and for ‘the honey moon’… We need wisdom during the pregnancy and the delivery of the baby. We need wisdom for the children, when they are young and when they leave the house to start their life journey as adults. We need wisdom to live a fruitful life during the menopause and the old age.
‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding’ (PV 9:10)
We are fools until we start to take God seriously; until we take the Bible and read it, study it and apply its words to our practical life. The fear of God comes as we mediate on the Person of Christ, His power, His promises, His glory. The fear of God humbles us and makes us teachable. The more we study God’s Word, the more we get the revelation of His majesty and His grace, in calling us the sinners into His presence. This is a wonder that no words can describe. Grace is love in action. God the Father sent His Son to die for me and you. His love is more than I can imagine, more than I can describe with words. This failure of human expression is miraculously transformed into the pure fear of God that makes me His wise servant and humble worshipper.
Foolishness is also a foundation but it is not stable and it is not strong, for it is ‘built on sand’. The house built on top of it shall not be able to withstand the floods of trials of life and it shall fall ‘with a great crash’. Each blessing, each breakthrough, each promotion given to a fool will increase the manifestation of his selfish and wicked behavior. With time, the wise get wiser and stronger and the foolish ones get more disgraced and hated by all.
Be wise!

(In the picture: the city of Manarola, Cinque Terre, Italy, built on the rock)



We did spiritual warfare covering our families, our children, our businesses and our church with prayer. We had praise in our mouth and the sword of judgment in our hands, to execute punishment over the wicked enemies who have trespassed into our territories.

Queen Athaliah ruled the land for six years (2Kg 11). She was the daughter of Jezebel. Like mother, like daughter, both were wicked, criminal women. When she discovered that her son is dead, she went ahead to destroy all the royal seed. She then crowned herself as queen. She did not know that the youngest of her husband’s children was still alive, hidden in the temple. This is how Joash survived. He was seven years old when the high priest brought him out from hiding and crowned him as king. The high priest commanded the solders to take their swords and surround the boy king. The command was this:

“Station yourselves around the king, each of you with weapon in hand. Anyone who approaches your ranks is to be put to death. Stay close to the king wherever he goes.” (2Kg 11:8)

Athaliah came to fight and claim her throne. She was killed with the sword instantly.

The Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God spoken under anointing represents the Divine Judgment. It is a symbol of God’s power and authority.

Gideon went to war saying: ‘The sword of the Lord and of Gideon!’ That prophetic proclamation was enough to created confusion in the midst of the enemies and they destroyed one another.

David knocked down Goliath with a stone but perfected its defeat with the sword.

The sword passed thru Mary’s heart. The pain was a revelation of the thoughts of other people’s hearts.

Jesus is our High Priest and His Word is a double edged sword in His mouth. None can defeat it!

The sword of the enemy is slander, wicked words and false witnesses. But the sword of the Lord in our mouth destroys their lesser swords, for God’s judgment on evil is always true and just!

“All the people of the land rejoiced, and the city was calm, because Athaliah had been slain with the sword…” (2Kg 11:20)

We claimed this victory for Warri, Nigeria!

(Ex 32:27; Jdg 7:20; 1Sam 15:33, 31:4; Ps 64:3; 149; Lk 2:35; 12:49-53; Eph 6:17; Heb 4:12; Rev 1:16)