This is a wonderful sermon preached by Pastor Richmond Leigh (my husband):

This Sunday service, Pastor Richmond Leigh preached a sermon called ‘The Burning hearts’. The scripture was taken from the Book of Luke. “And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” (Lk 24:32). Pastor Richmond Leigh said that this is a post resurrection story. Two sad disciples of Jesus were walking from Jerusalem to a village called Emmaus. One was called Cleopas. The other one was un-named. He stands for all disciples to the end of time, including me and you. They were sad because their Lord died on the Cross. As they were walking and talking, the resurrected Christ came alongside them. But they did not recognize Him. This ‘Stranger’ joined in their discussion. He was the same Jesus they knew in the past. But He was different. The resurrected Christ is different than Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus started preaching to them the Word of God. Then their hearts started burning with fire.


Looking at them, we see that the Cross has changed them. They retained some feelings and they lost some. The disciples were sad because Jesus died. But even in their sadness they kept their love for Him. They also kept their faith in Him. Previously, Jesus prayed that, even during trials, they will not lose their faith (Lk 22: 32). God answered that prayer. In this journey of sadness, disappointment and spiritual darkness, they still remained the disciples of Jesus. They continue to love Him. They did not speak unkind words about Him. But you can see that they lost their joy and hope. They lost their confidence that Jesus will fulfill His promises concerning their future. They still believed that Jesus was ‘a Prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people’. But hope was gone! They thought of Him as a good Man who tried His best but failed. They thought that Jesus failed to achieve His grand plans for the future. That is why they were sad. They lost their hope and their zeal for the Kingdom of God. The fire was burning low in their hearts.


These disciples were going down from Jerusalem to Emmaus. When you see people leaving the city to go and ‘settle’ in the village, it is a sign that they lost their fire, passion, zeal, their vision and desire to fight for victory. It is an interesting observation that Emmaus is still a village and Jerusalem is still a big city, even today. This is the situation with many Christians and churches. They used to pray for revival but not anymore. They have lowered their Christianity to a place of low fire and low passion. Many Pastors preach for and about money. They invite comedians and false prophets to tell them what their itching ears want to hear. They have grieved and quenched the Holy Spirit. Many Christians are sad and some have backslid. Many go to church looking for miracles or money. They do not go to church to seek God’s face or to worship Him. They have become bitter about Christianity. They have forsaken their ‘first Love’.


How does Christ deal with these sad disciples? By joining in their conversation! Child of God, Jesus will always join into your conversation! The Lord is never far from you! The Lord will always appear! He has never left you! The Lord speaks the Word of God to them until their foolishness and doubts are gone and their hearts fall in love with Him again. Immediately the fire starts to burn in their hearts, they turn around and go from the village back to Jerusalem! That is the sign of revival! The fire in a Christian’s heart can never go out completely. Even during seasons of backsliding, there is always a little flame under the ashes of disappointment and complains. What made the fire in their hearts burn brightly again? The voice of the Shepherd speaking the Word of God to them! Observe that Jesus did not tell them something new, a new prophecy about Himself or a new revelation. No! He spoke to them the Word they knew already! The Word of God! What is the source of revival? The preaching and the hearing of the Word of God combined with prayer done in the power of the Holy Spirit!


May your hope of glory be restored! May the joy of the Lord become strength to you! May your hearts be revived again! May your hearts burn again with love, passion and zeal for Jesus! Again! ‘Oh, Lord… set our hearts on fire again! For You!’ Worship the Lord!

Shofar Dr Leigh


“Now it happened, when the king heard the words of the woman, that he tore his clothes; and as he passed by on the wall, the people looked, and there underneath he had sackcloth on his body” (2 Kg 6:30).
The king was dressed with royal clothes but underneath he was dressed with sackcloth. He was mourning in his heart but pretended life goes on as usual. He was troubled in his heart, but outwardly he wanted to show that he is a tough man, still looking like the king! He is like many Christians today who smile and look happy outside, but in their hearts they are troubled and afraid. What is behind this pretense? The evil religious spirits teach many Christians how to deceive others with smiles and sweet words. These people have perfected the skill of having a religious ‘testimony’ when peace and joy is absent. That is a lie!
As a doctor and as a pastor, this is my experience… For example, somebody comes to my office. I ask: ‘How are you?’ Most of them automatically say: ’I am fine!’ Then I ask: ‘Why then do you want to see me? Are you sick?’ Many of them say: ‘I am well. My enemy is sick’. At the beginning I was confused. With time, I had to learn that this is a spiritually coded answer meaning ‘I am sick but I cannot say it…’ The truth is that the person is sick and he (she) needs help. But they are too afraid to speak the truth. They fear that if they agree that they are sick, the sickness with become worse. They choose a sweet lie than a bitter truth. In my experience both as a doctor and a pastor, religious people are very difficult to help. They complicate themselves trying to come out of a trap. Hypocrisy is practiced to their disadvantage. I often have to say: ‘See, I am a doctor. You are in a doctor’s office. Relax and tell me the truth. It is not your enemy who is here. You look sick and you need help. Tell me the truth…’ Even then, confronted with the truth, they still struggle to speak it. They want me to fall into the same trap of deception. I often have to say: ‘My friend, if you are not ready to tell me the truth, you please go home! Leave my office! I cannot help you!’ Seeing that I am serious, he (she) finally submits: ‘Doctor, Ma… I … I…. I am sick. My stomach is upset… I need help… Please help me…’ That is the blessed breaking point when, by the grace of God, I can help. Pride, presence and religion go thru the window. Wisdom finds a place to manifest. Humility shines! The grace of God is experienced by both the doctor (pastor) and the patient. Truth sets free. Truth is healing. Truth begets the hope of freedom! The Hope of glory is greater than all! The true testimony of God’s touch is ready to be born!
As an unbeliever I too practiced false humility. I did not believe in God. I did not use religious words. But I was afraid to open my heart to people for fear of possible wounding. When I was sick I tried to heal myself. The doctor’s office was the last place to go to. When I was troubled by dreams, a pastor was the last person to visit. When I was lonely, I pretended to be ok. I gave the impression that I do not need friends. Truth was fearful to me. But when I got saved, I became a new person. I relaxed in the knowledge that my Savior Jesus Christ loves me. I learn to trust Him and the people He directed me to. I humbled myself! I learned to speak the truth in love and from my heart. I became free. Up till today, if you see me happy outside, it means that I have overflowing joy inside. If my face looks sad, it means that I am burdened for my sin or for another’s. My face and my heart are now like twins. No more pretenses! What a blessed freedom! I trust Christ when I am sad because He knows how I feel. He is ‘the Man of sorrows and acquainted with suffering’ (Is 53:3). I trust Christ in my joys for He is the happiest Man in the whole universe. ‘For the joy set before Him He endured the Cross’ (Heb 12:2). My Lord is my Wonderful Counselor and Friend forever! He never pretends so why should I?
This is my prayer for you: “Be free from hypocrisy and religious pretense! Be yourself! May the Holy Spirit do a deeper work in your hearts and free you to find your identity and destiny in Christ alone!” Glory to God!


Lemuel Haynes was a prominent New England Congregational minister, and the first African American in America to receive an honorary college degree. Haynes was born in West Hartford, Connecticut on July 18, 1753. His mother was a Scottish immigrant house servant and his father was an African American slave who lived and served on the plantation of John Haynes. When both his parents abandoned him, Haynes, an unwanted infant, was taken by Deacon David Rose of Granville, Massachusetts. He lived there until his 21st birthday. He spent his days working the farm, and his nights attending the plantation schools. A household Saturday evening custom was to read sermons from the local church, and on one such evening Haynes read a rousing sermon. When Deacon Rose asked who the author was, he acknowledged that it was his own work. From that point Haynes was frequently called upon to write and preach sermons.
Upon reaching the age of twenty-one Haynes was freed from his master and he built a stone home in Granville. He became a private in the independence war. After the war, Haynes returned to his farming duties at Granville, Massachusetts while continuing to train in Theology. He studied Latin with the Rev. Daniel Farrand in New Canaan, Connecticut and then Greek with Rev. William Bradford in Bloomfield, Connecticut. In November of 1780, Haynes was licensed to preach and accepted a call at the Congregational Church of Middle Granville, making him the first African American minister of an all-white congregation.
In 1785, he became the first ordained African American minister. After a courtship with Elizabeth Babbitt, a white school teacher, the couple married and had ten children. Haynes remained in Granville until 1787, when he accepted a call at the West Parish congregation in Rutland, Vermont where he remained for the next thirty-one years. He became a fiery preacher against the evil of slavery and oppression. His dynamic sermons became famous. He was one of the first African Americans whose work was published in the newspapers. He also received an honorary Master of Arts degree from Middlebury College, only the fourth degree given by the school and the first ever to an African American. He served his final eleven years at the Congregational church in South Granville, New York. Rev. Lemuel Haynes passed away at the age of 80. He was buried at Lee-Oatman Cemetery in South Granville. He had composed his own epitaph, which was included on his gravestone as he had requested. In 1967 his home in South Granville, New York was historically restored and is now a museum: “Here lies the dust of a poor hell-deserving sinner who ventured into eternity trusting wholly on the merits of Christ for salvation. In the full belief of the great doctrines he preached while on earth, he invites his children, and all who read this, to trust their eternal interest in the same foundation”
Quotes of Lemuel Haynes: “To despise blacks, to trade in slaves, or to hold slaves was not to acknowledge God; it means to not honor His affections, mind, and will. All men, white of black, were in the image of God. They were made for more noble ends than to be drove to market, like sheep and oxen… It was total reliance on the merits of my Saviour Jesus Christ that supported me. Had I a thousand souls, I would venture them all on Christ alone”
Praise the Lord for this testimony! He was a mixed race child. He was abandoned at birth by both his parents. He was raised as a slave and freed at 21. He became born again and preached to all, black or white. He decided to educate himself. He competed with the best preachers at that time. God blessed his efforts and his ministry. His life is reminds us that as a child of God, even if men reject you, God will raise you up. Be encouraged today!
(In the pictures bellow (taken from the internet): Reverend Lemuel Haynes, his house now a museum and his tombstone in the cemetery)
Lemuel Haynes
Lemuel Haynes house
Lemuel Haynes tomb


“A man who flatters his neighbor spreads a net for his feet” (PV 29:5)
Flattery is defined as insincere or excessive praise. The difference between flattery and a compliment is the benefactor. Flattery has a selfish motivation. The flatterer hopes to gain approval or advantage over the one being flattered. That is why flattery is dangerous! Flattery is a snare and a bait! Compliments, however, are sincere acknowledgments of admiration spoken to praise someone else. A compliment is intended to benefit the recipient, whereas flattery benefits the flatterer.

The Bible has a lot to say about flattery. The book of Proverbs warns of the “flattering lips of an adulteress” (Proverbs 6:24; 7:5, 21). Flattery is often the first step to an adulterous affair. A wise person learns to recognize it and separate flattery from sincere compliments. Flattery is often coupled with lying, as a flatterer is not concerned with whether or not he or she is being truthful (Psalm 5:9; Romans 16:18).

Unfortunately, flattery can also be used within Christian circles under the guise of encouragement. Since biblical times, some false teachers have used flattery to lead people astray and to benefit themselves. Paul reminds the church that the apostles had never resorted to flattery in spreading the gospel: “You know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed.” (1Thess 2:5). Scripture warns of false teachers who use flattery to introduce heresies intended to deceive Christ’s followers and line their own pockets (2 Pet 2:3; Rom 16:18; Dan 11:32).

Some teachers use flattery as a means to increase personal followings. Leaders desiring to attract a crowd sometimes water down their message until the gospel is reduced to little more than a God-tainted self-improvement program. They pepper their talks with cheerful verses and illustrations designed to make their hearers feel better about themselves (and about the teachers). There is much talk about discovering one’s potential and developing personal greatness. This is nothing more than flattery intended to create popularity for the speaker and his message. It sells books and media time, but it often bears little resemblance to the message Jesus proclaimed! Listen to what you listen!

Jesus’ message did nothing to inflate the self-importance of His hearers. Rather, He stressed the need to die to ourselves, take up our cross daily, and follow Him. He said that those who desire to keep their lives now will lose them and that, if we love anyone more than Him, we are not worthy of Him (Matt 10:37–39; Lk 9:23; 17:33). These teachings are the opposite of flattery. Jesus never shied away from stating what someone needed to hear because His motivation was always to do His Father’s will (Jn 8:29). Jesus spoke the truth whether it was popular or not. He refused to compromise the Word, even when great multitudes left Him (Jn 6:66). He spoke in love, but He never resorted to flattery for personal gain. As His followers, we should be careful to do likewise!

Prayer: “Dear Holy Spirit please have mercy on me and protect me from the attacks of the evil spirit of flattery. Open my eyes to see the danger and expose the wicked spirit of flattery. Help me to be delivered from every inferiority complex, from foolishness, from every desire to flatter or to be flattered! Deliver me from every weakness of flesh that desires flattery or manipulation. I reject the flattery spirit! Go in Jesus’ name! By the grace of God, I shall flatter no one. I shall refuse flattery! I am free from the snare of flattery! Abba Father, help me to encourage others with the strength of the Holy Spirit. Help me to be satisfied in You alone! I freely declare that You, Lord Jesus, are all I need, now and forever! Help me to only speak the truth in love! Help me to speak like You, Jesus! Help me to be like You, Jesus! This is my prayer this morning! Thank You Father God! In Jesus’ name I prayed, amen!”



This is a wonderful prophetic sermon preached today by my husband, Pastor Richmond Leigh. Read and be blessed!

This Sunday Pastor Richmond Leigh preached from the Book of John a sermon titled ‘Are you a Shepherd or a hireling?’ This is the Word of God: “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. But a hireling, he who is not the shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them. The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep. I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own” (Jn 10:1-5; 11-14). Jesus our Lord is the good Shepherd. He has an eternal love relationship with His sheep. The children of God are His sheep. We are the flock of Christ! The religious unbelievers are symbolized as goats. No goat can become a sheep and no sheep can be transformed into a goat. A sheep is a sheep from the beginning of the world and the goat is a goat to the end.  A goat does not need a shepherd. But a sheep without a shepherd will die.


The hireling is a man or a woman who only works for money. He takes care of the sheep for some time. But he does not care about the sheep.  When he sees the wolf coming he abandons the sheep and runs away. The hireling does not have the sensitivity of the shepherd. He does not love the sheep. He only loves himself and his money.  He has no love relationship with the sheep. He is not the owner of the sheep. He sees the flock as a foreign body, as a stranger. The spiritual hireling is a definite personality. You need the discernment of the Holy Spirit to recognize him. From afar he looks like a shepherd. He may look even more spiritual than the pastor. But a hireling can never become a shepherd. The love of money is the motive why he works in the field.


In the Bible, there is a story about two women who each had a baby (1 Kg 3:16-28). One baby died. The woman whose baby died wanted to take the other baby who was alive. They argued who is the mother of the living baby. They went before King Solomon, so that he can judge the case. With divine wisdom he said that they should cut the baby into two. The pretending mother said yes. This is the voice of the hireling. She has no feelings for the baby. He wants to baby dead. But the real mother said: ‘No! Do not kill the baby. Give her the baby!’ Solomon said that this is the real mother because she has feelings for her baby. She does not want her baby to die. Even if she will lose him, it is better than a dead baby. The real mother is the voice of the good Shepherd! She loves and cares for her sheep!


How can you identify a hireling? The truth is that it is very hard to know who is a shepherd and who is a spiritual hireling! Only time will tell. The main difference between the true shepherd and the hireling is not visible! It is in the heart! It concerns the motivation of doing ministry. The difference is internal, spiritual and invisible. That is why it is hard to detect a true pastor from a spiritual hireling. Both dress the same. They speak almost the same. But the true shepherd is genuinely humble. He does not struggle to prove himself. His motive for being a shepherd is to take care, protect and feed the sheep. Our Lord commanded Peter three times: ‘Feed My sheep! Take care of My lambs!’ (Jn 21:15-19). The true pastor obeys these commands for the glory of His Lord! But the hireling is different. His motive for doing ministry is for his own benefit. He worships God for money. He preaches the Word of God for money. He does not care about the sheep or the glory of his Lord. He does not feed the sheep.  He fleeces them. He is not ready to suffer when taking care of the sheep. If there is a little trouble, of if he thinks that the sheep do not benefit him anymore, he runs and abandons the flock. He has no shame. He does not fear God. The spiritual hireling is interested only in money and fame. He is gathering followers.


This is a very serious matter. These men come as spiritual leaders in the churches but they are not born again. They are selfish and greedy. They are very good at soliciting funds from church people. They are dangerous because they deceive the Christians in the name of ministry. A pastor, a spiritual leader, an apostle, a prophet, a Bible teacher, a husband or a father can be either a true shepherd or a hireling. This is a sad reality. Pray for discernment! The Holy Spirit will open your eyes to see the truth that will set you free! Our Lord warned us: ‘By their fruits you shall know them’ (Mt 7:20). Finally, this is the question: Are you a shepherd or a hireling? Are you a sheep or a goat? Do you love money more than God? Do you give glory to God or to yourself? Test yourself! Worship the Lord!

(In the picture, my husband, Pastor Richmond Leigh)





“But he refused…” (Gen 39:8)

The Saturday evening prayer meeting was very good. The hunger for the presence of the Holy Spirit was satisfied by Him. No one else can do it. Empty religion promises much but will always disappoint! Only The Holy Spirit can quench the longing of our hearts! The King of kings was in our midst receiving the evening sacrifice of willing hearts. “Lord, prepare me to be Your sanctuary pure and holy, tried and true… With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living, sanctuary for You!” This was our longing, song and prayer. God knows when hearts are united in a holy supplication. He never ignores the desperate prayer of His children. We worshipped at His feet… Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!!!!!!!


Then the Word came. We are in a prophetic season called ‘Shalom’. This is one of the most important words in Hebrew language. It means more than peace. It means a combination of health and wealth, favor and friends; peace and prosperity. We’ve already tasted from the blessings of Shalom. For some time we have been studying the life of Joseph, who is a type of Christ, the Prince of Peace. We read Genesis 39. We studied the secret of Joseph, how he overcame sexual temptation. His secret was the presence of God the Holy Spirit. Four times in this chapter we are told that ‘the Lord was with Joseph’. This is how he conquered the lustful liar! Lesson: if the Lord is with you, you shall overcome all trials and temptations! No man or devil can destroy your life, destiny or testimony! Warning: a Christian can grieve the Holy Spirit thru disobedience. In that case the protective fence of the Spirit is broken; the Christian becomes vulnerable because the devil has access to his mind. The devil is not original. Many servants of God, men and women, have lost their ministry and peace of mind because of falling into sin. The sexual sins and the love of money are top of the list. You cannot fight these sins in your strength. Filled with the Holy Spirit you can resist the devil and he will flee from you. In Christ, victory is not only possible but expected. To the glory of God!


One of the easiest ways to fight sexual sins is to obey six commands based on the Word of God. I found this ‘formula’ in a book written by John Piper. It has been very useful to me since then. I tried it and it works. It is to remember the word ‘Anthem’. ANTHEM!!!! Each letter is connected to a command.   Simply said, what do you do when tempted sexually?


A — Avoid! (Avoid sin and any person who you know is sexually impure. Like Joseph did, run for your life! Your legs will not fail you in your pursuit of passionate purity!)

N — No! (Say No to any proposal to commit fornication! Say it courageously, strongly and quickly! Say it within 5 seconds!)

T — Turn! (Turn your eyes away from sinful pictures and look unto Jesus! See Christ crucified! See the price He paid to set you free!)

H — Hold! (Hold on in your mind the picture of Christ crucified for you until the dirty image is gone and replaced with the wonder of His love!)

E — Enjoy! (Enjoy God and His Word! Enjoy the fellowship of the believers! Enjoy spiritual things, the greater pleasures of the blood-bought promises of God!)

M — Move on! (Move away from mistakes to a meaningful Christ-exalting activity. Work for God in the church. Any ministry is useful and holy if it is done for Christ’ sake. It is better to wash the floors in the sanctuary than to watch pornography on the internet!).

We ended the prayer meeting with grateful hearts for a good time in His presence!

‘Thank You Lord Jesus!”

SLL 18


“Above all else, guard your heart for from it flow the springs of life” (PV 4:23)
The Women’ Fellowship was very good; and refreshing too. We praised God with songs and dancing. The next ‘item in the program’ was sharing testimonies giving glory to God. In the past, most of the testimonies were about God’s wonderful deeds in our lives. The sisters shared stories how God saved them from accidents, helped their marriages, healed their children or helped them start and prosper their businesses. That is good. But there was something missing… As their pastor, for some time, I became concerned about the direction the time of testimonies was taking. It is not that what they said was bad. The problem was that 90% of the testimonies were about what God has done in their environment, visible things, material things… Ignorantly, the devil had access to these types of testimonies. For example, a sister may testify that her child was sick and she had to rush the child to the hospital in the night. Miraculously, there was a doctor on duty who knew exactly what to do. Treatment was given and the child became well. Of course, she will give glory to God! That is good! But the devil can attack the minds of the listeners by taking some of the glory due to God and give it to other people in the story. For example the doctor who did well or even to the mother who knew what to do when her child was sick, may take some of the credit (glory) for the testimony of healing. Seeing this danger (of ignorantly sharing God’s glory with others) and praying for a solution, I decided to re-direct the ministry of sharing testimonies. From now on, we shall focus on what God has done and is doing internally, in our hearts. This is because no man and no devil can change the heart but God! No man can change a stony heart into a heart of flesh except the Holy Spirit. For example, no man or devil can take the glory for changing a stubborn, doubting, anxious, cowardly heart into one filled with peace and joy except the Holy Spirit.
So today, the sisters tried to re-focus their testimonies. They tried to testify about God’s deep work in their hearts. It was not easy. Bad habits die hard. It was easier for them to talk about externals than the work of the Holy Spirit inside their hearts. Some have even forgotten that they had a heart! They struggled when trying to become vulnerable before others and expose their own internal weaknesses. But the Holy Spirit healed us do the right thing. Everybody was attentive encouraging one another. For example: you may not need to be humble in testifying that God has helped you buy a new car. Thank God for the car! But you surely need to be more humble in telling me how you lost your temper trying to obey God’s Word to submit to your husband. It was not easy but by the grace of God we made progress yesterday. Thank God for the Holy Spirit! The evil spirit of pride and empty religion was driven away from our midst. More grace was imparted to us as we took the risk to humble ourselves before God and other sisters. Praise the Lord!
The Word I preached was in line with this new leading of the Holy Spirit. I did not prepare this message. I just allowed the Holy Spirit to speak thru me! Glory to God! I preached about the heart! The heart is the center of the body and the soul. I am not talking about the physical heart doctors can listen to. I am talking about what the Bible calls ‘heart’, the spiritual heart. God gave you your heart. It is your duty to protect it from fiery arrows of the enemy. This protection was to be ‘above all’ other protections (PV 4:23). You may guard your account so that nobody steals your money. But above all guarding, the Word commands us to ‘guard our hearts’! Why? It is because it is the source, the origin, the well spring of life! God does not speak to your mind. He speaks to your spirit, to your heart. Once your heart is damaged you will not be able to hear the voice of God clearly like in the past. Once the root is damaged the plant will eventually die. This is God’s command: Above all else, guard your heart and the vision God has deposited inside your spirit! Your very life depends on that!
The devil hates our worship. He attacks the hearts of men. Absalom, the handsome son of King David, was an ambitious, impatient and covetous young man. He wanted to be king before his father died. That is an abomination in any culture. To accomplish his wicked plan he started a campaign of evil against his own father and king. Many were deceived. They believed and followed him in his betrayal. By his wicked words and deeds he divided the kingdom. He eventually lost ‘the game’ and died a shameful, untimely death. King David came back to his throne because God made him the king. God is faithful! God vindicated David! The reason why Absalom succeeded for a while in his rebellious campaign is because ‘he stole the hearts of the men of Israel’. Absalom was a spiritual thief! Like Judas, he stole the hearts of God’s people with political kisses. Read this: “When anyone approached to bow down to him, Absalom would reach out his hand, take hold of him, and kiss him. “Absalom did this to all the Israelites who came to the king for justice. In this way he stole the hearts of the men of Israel… Then a messenger came to David and reported, “The hearts of the men of Israel are with Absalom.” (2Sam 15:5, 6. 13). But not all people were deceived. Some of David’s men remained faithful to him to the end and were rewarded for that!
What are the lessons? King David represents God’s established delegated authority. Absalom represents the rebellious man instituted authority. Application: If your pastor is of the order or David, you are covered and blessed by God. But if your pastor is of the order of Absalom, you are in serious trouble for God does not accept or bless rebellious authority. Run for your life!
As you know, Absalom died long ago. But the evil spirit of Absalom is not dead. Spirits do not die. Many Christians, families and churches have been damaged by this wicked evil spirit. They have been deceived to believe a lie. People submitted to evil spirits of religion and rebellion. In particular, the evil spirit of Absalom attacks the hearts of the believers and damages them. The result is that they become spiritually weak. They cannot love God like in the past. They forsake their first love. They cannot worship God freely. They cannot love their neighbors as they love themselves. Marriages are damaged too. Many divorces among the believers are the result of the damage caused by the evil spirit of handsome prince of darkness called Absalom.
Yesterday, during the Women’ Fellowship, we prayed and rejected this wicked spirit from among us. We asked the Holy Spirit to heal our broken hearts and to fill us afresh with the Holy Spirit. Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!! I testify that true ministry was done yesterday in our midst. Great testimonies shall follow! To the glory of God alone!
Women praying
(In the picture, the Women in our church and I praying during Jesus Mega Party)


“Do not drift away…” (Heb 2:1)
“In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war, David sent Joab out with the king’s men and the whole Israelite army. They destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained in Jerusalem” (2Sam 11:1)

Drifting is defined as a slow and gradual movement from one place to another, especially as a result of outside forces, with no control over direction . Spiritual drifting is very common among Christians who are ignorant of its dangers. Read the Scripture above… Something is wrong with King. David… He used to love leading his men to war, to gain victory over the enemies of Israel. He used to love the presence of God. He used to love the fellowship of the brethren. Now the ark of God and his men are in the open fields. General Joab is in charge enjoying what David used to enjoy. David withdraws from his responsibility and his duty. He abandons the ministry of encouraging his men. He is ‘tired ‘ of doing the right thing. He wants to taste a little sin, just for the fun of it, just because it is something different…David is lonely and bored… Have you been there?

He then sees a beautiful woman and takes her in…she is just like a toy…there is no record of her feelings…he sleeps with her…then sends her home…This is the beginning of the worst and ugliest sin in David’s life. It starts with lust and ends with adultery, betrayal, manipulation, lies and finally murder. For sex, he kills one of his faithful friends and one of the most trusted soldiers in the army of Israel.

He later repented. Thank God for a broken heart, for repentance and restoration. Thank God for the grace and mercy of God.

What is the lesson? Stay in the center of God’s will! Dwell and walk in the light, where the light is the brightest! Be careful with slow but continuous changes of moods that ‘worry’ your conscience and are contrary to the Word of God. Do not isolate yourself from the Body of Christ. Do not become tired of being and doing good. Be sensitive to the possibility of deception. Learn from the mistake of others. Love the truth, accept its loving rebuke, even when it pains. Pray that God restores the vision of you being a true man (woman) of God. Value your testimony! Do not take for granted your duty as a leader, for many look up to you as an example. Do not give the devil any foothold in your life, in your emotions. There is nothing like an ‘innocent’ sin. Every secret thing shall be exposed by God, sooner or later. Sin is stage 4 cancer; it is incurable. The only ‘medicine’ is the Blood of Jesus. Go to the Cross of Calvary, look again in its direction, see Jesus hanging there, between heaven and earth, for your sin and mine… May truth melt your heart today!

Without delay, Come back to God!

In Christ I declare:
I am a child of God!
I am a servant of God!
I repent of the sin of drifting from God!
I dwell and walk in the light!
Jesus is Lord over my life, over my home!
In Jesus name,

(In the picture a drifting boat)

Drifting boat


“They gave her this blessing as she parted: “Our sister, may you become the mother of many millions! May your descendants be strong and conquer the cities of their enemies.” (Gen 24:60)
My husband and I came back after a month of vacation. I just received a welcoming letter from one of the women in our church. The letter touched me because I know this sister has changed. She used to be shy and she will draw away from me. But now she is free with her feelings. This is a great achievement! Glory to God! This is the letter:
“Good morning Malia! Welcome back home, I really missed you and I’m so happy you’re back (I am really surprised that I missed you because I do not allow myself to get close enough to people especially to a pastor’s wife to warrant that kind of feeling), but I give God all the glory . God is working on me. Once again welcome back home!”
This is my testimony… Since I became a pastor I had met many Christian women who are afraid to draw closer to me. This fear is a spiritual incapacitated bondage. It is old and it is strong. The devil has caged them. What is the source of this fear? In the past, they have been hurt by other women in the church, and especially by their pastor’s wife. Most of them say that they loved their pastors but disliked their wives. They say that their former pastors’ wives were either too legalistic, strict and religious or too worldly (gossiping, materialistic, proud, talking only about fashion or the things of this world). They have been wounded in the past by religious spirits coming thru the women leaders or pastors’ wives. Others had problems with their natural mothers who were uncaring, greedy and wicked. This is very sad indeed and the pain is real.
Because of this painful past, it is now hard for them to trust me as their pastor. Many of them they tell me so…They avoid me or they overdo things to impress me. Both these attitudes are wrong because they are artificial. Some are willing to change but others are slow to do that… For the humble and the willing there is hope that we can be family one day. Even then, it takes a lot of prayer, counselling and even deliverance so that they learn how to love again, how to trust again! I too had to learn the skill to be a spiritual mother and a spiritual doctor in the same time. I need to feel their wounds so that I am gentle but firm in their process of restoration. I too need the grace to be a mother in Christ. I especially need wisdom, patience and the love of Christ to give them the hope of healing. For the sake of Christ, I had to learn to embrace them and to wait for them until they are ready to love again.
As you see, it is not easy to be a mother in Christ or a pastor. Ministry is sacrifice! I pity the men and women who enter ministry to gain money or fame… God forbid! Ministry is hard but it is very rewarding for with God all things are possible. The beauty, power and glory of ministry proceeds from the Cross. Jesus died so that we can be saved. He shed His Blood for His Church! Therefore ministry done in the power of the Holy Spirit can never fail! Praise the Lord!
Finally, I encourage all my sisters in Christ to come to the Cross, to forgive the ones who mistreated them, to let go of the past pain and to move on as women of God covered by grace! I also pray that the women leaders in the Body of Christ learn how to trust in God alone, for the perfecting of their calling in Christ! Let’s do all things for the sake and for the glory of Christ! There is nothing greater than this! Glory to the Lamb of God!
‘Here I am the children the Lord has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the Lord Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion’ (Is 8:18)


My name is Sivia Lia Leigh. I am a pastor, a servant of God, wife, mother and grandmother. I was born in Romania. Since 1980 I live in Nigeria. My husband of 44 years, Dr. Richmond Sisan Leigh is a Nigerian. Both of us are medical doctors by profession but now in full time ministry. We started a church in Warri Nigeria called Father’s House Bible Church. We have three adult children and seven grandchildren. I was an atheist until thru a crisis conversion I met the Lord and became born again in 1986. Since then it has been Jesus and Jesus alone for me! To God be all the glory!

Tali and Malia 6


“God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle’s flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need…
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so
He called it a Dad.”
(Author Unknown)
(My husband is a wonderful husband, wonderful father to our children and a wonderful grandfather to our grandchildren. In the picture, he is dancing with our daughter Jemine, on her wedding day, father and daughter dance… To the glory of God!)
Tali and Jemine


“Do not despise this small beginning, for the eyes of the Lord rejoice to see the work begin… For these seven lamps represent the eyes of the Lord that see everywhere around the world.” (Zech 4:10)

You have been praying and praying for a breakthrough. It may seem that nothing new, nothing good happens in your life. That is a lie! The ‘good’ of God is planted as a miracle holy seed in your heart. How can you see a seed underground? How can you see a baby hours after he or she is conceived? There is no scan or X-ray strong enough to detect these new beginning. God wants to glorify Himself in this new beginning. “We live by faith and not by sight” (2Cor 5:7)

Do not despise these little beginnings just because they are still invisible (for now)! God is at work in your life. He has never stopped blessing you! Why will He stop now? Be encouraged as you wait of God. Soon you shall see the seed germinating and growing up! The yellow seed of corn shall become a tender green shoot growing up to the glory of God! Things will change, but for the better! God sees you! God blesses you! Your miracle has started! I believe!


“While I was among the exiles by the River Kebar, the heavens opened and I saw visions of God” (Ez 1:1)
The prayer meeting started slowly but surely. The expectation was building… The brethren were hungry but too shy to ask for food. The angels shared from their portions of heavenly bread. ‘Down at Your feet Oh, Lord is the most high place, in Your presence I seek Your face, I seek Your face…I live to worship You’… I came to test the waters… the engine of the anointing plane was on… faith was rising… we waited… and we waited… for the Lord to come, to sing over us… we prayed in ‘waiting tongues’… and waited some more… young people are impatient… waiting is hard for them… but no matter how hungry or how needy we are, we cannot afford to go before the Lord…
The Lord spoke: ‘I saved you, not by money, not by effort, not by might or by power… I saved you by the power of My Love!’… The agape love of God manifested… the fear of God descended… we cannot preach without the oil of joy… suddenly Doctor Jesus came in and there was healing in the house… The Balm of Gilead was applied, to every wound, every puncture, to stop every leakage… Scars were beatified… Doctor Jesus healed hearts, marriages, lives… How can you work for 100 Naira and lose 50 Naira? This is not good! Accounts were balanced … Worship the Lord who paid the debt of your sin! From now on, money shall meet money and none shall be lost… the account shall manifest increase and no loss shall be reported… I am not a failure! Love never fails! This is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit… The joy of the Lord is our strength…

The peace that passeth all understanding was supplied… Passeth! Passeth! There are levels of peace… good men can give you some peace in the home, in the office… but only Jesus can give you the peace that passeth all understanding… it cannot be explained; it cannot be borrowed; human language cannot describe it, no poem can define it… it is beyond and above all others… Finally, the plane, after running on the runway….the Holy Ghost takes off…. And flies… ‘I brought you to Myself on eagles’ wings!’…. Surrounded by mercy, filled by Your Spirit and empowered by love, I feel good… This is the moment we have been waiting for… I see the Lord, I see the Lord, exalted high above Effurun and of the people of the earth….For my eyes have seen the King and I worshipped at His feet… Majesty on high… Jesus You reign forevermore! Forevermore!! How long? Forevermore!!!! Glory!!!!

FH 7-2



‘May you live to enjoy your grandchildren…’ (Ps 128:6; NLT)
Yesterday my husband and I had a sweet time with our oldest grandson, Alex. He is 18. He is a fine young man! He has gotten admission into the university of Houston to read mechanical engineering. He now lives in the campus. Before going to school he worked for a pizza restaurant to make some extra money. During holidays he comes home and works some more. Yesterday he came to meet with his grandparents. I was immediately impressed with his attitude and his words. Before now he had a big ‘Afro’ hair style like many of his friends in school. As a teenager he was influenced by his friends. This is almost ‘normal’. But yesterday we saw him looking clean, with a low hair cut. His mother told us that on his own he went to the barber saloon and asked for a low hair cut. He said that now that he is in the university he wants to give the best impression to the teachers and colleagues. He was dressed with jeans and tee shirt, but very clean looking. He spoke calmly and wisely. I was just looking at him and was very proud to be his grandma. He was telling me that in school many of his colleges go to parties ‘back to back’. That these partying young men mock him for staying in his room and ‘reading too much’. He told them that the reason why he came to the university is to pass his exams and graduate with honors. That if he wanted to party he did not need to go to university. He could have taken a job in a night club where he will be paid to party. I was truly impressed by his words. In this world, in America in particular, the temptation for young men and women to become wild and wayward is very high. But Alex proved to be a humble, wise, focused and disciplined young man. He clearly has a good foundation a a good spirit! I give God all the glory for his life! I also thank God for his parents! To have a good child is a great achievement no matter where you live on this world.

This testimony is meant to encourage all parents to continue to pray, help, discipline and encourage their children. To be a parent is never easy. Never give up on your children or your grandchildren! God loves you and God loves them! This is my prayer this morning: May the prodigals come home! May the grades of your children improve! May the attitude of your children be better! May they make you proud! To the glory of God! In Jesus’ name, amen!

(In the picture, Alex)

Malia and Alex!


“By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance.” (Heb 11:8)
George Washington was America’s first president. His life story is an inspiration to me. He was known as a hard worker. His father died when he was 11. He joined the army. He retired from the army in his thirties and bought land in a small town called Mount Vernon near present Washington. His dream was to be a farmer. He married and planed to settle down cultivating the land. He was successful and happy. But then the call to duty came. He did not really want to go but he felt the duty to answer the call. At the age of forty he took the command of the colonies’ army to fight the British. After eight years of wars America won and became independent. George retired back to his farm and wife. But the call came again to go to Philadelphia to be in charge of the Constitutional Convention. That is how the first constitution of America wax written. After that George went back to his farm to retire. But it was not to be. Unanimously they voted him to be the first president of the United States of America. He was the one who wrote the law that a president should serve a maximum of two terms. After serving two terms as the first American president he finally got his wish. He retired to his farm which has suffered much from neglect. Even in his old age he was seen working the land.

George Washington sacrificed much for his country. He was a rich man before the call to duty came. He did not enter politics to make money. He did not have a great ambition to be famous or rich. He sacrificed present comfort and personal dreams for the sake of duty to his country. Because of that his name is synonymous with love for the country, freedom, honor, loyalty and the call to duty. His inspiration was Abraham in the Bible who also left his father’s house to go to a place called the Promised Land. It was not easy to leave a place where things were going well to go to the unknown just because God called him. God promised Abraham that he will be the father of nations and that his name will be great. He will be a blessing to many all over the world. ‘Abraham trusted God and obeyed’. That is called faith.

I am not comparing myself with these giants: Abraham or George Washington. But this is our testimony: God called my husband and I to leave America and to go back to Warri, Nigeria to start a church called Father’s House. It was not easy to leave our children behind. It was a sacrifice to leave America and to go back to Nigeria. But God gave us the grace to obey. We came back in November 1999 and started the church in March 2000. The rest, as they say, is history.

This is my prayer for you this evening: whatever God says to you, even if it seems impossible, trust and obey Him! As we have no regrets to sacrifice our dream to live in America for the reality of living in Warri Nigeria, for the sake of Christ, you too shall have no regrets in obeying the call of God whatever it is! Glory to God!!!


‘May you live to enjoy your grandchildren’ (Ps 128:6)
My husband and I did not know how happy we can be in our older age as grandparents. God had indeed blessed us beyond imagination! We live and do God’s work in Nigeria. We appreciate so much the annual visits to re-bond with our family who lives far from us. These two pictures are a glimpse of joy revealed in the heart of a grandpa and his grandchildren. In the first picture, my husband lovingly holds our oldest grandson Alex who is now a student in the University of Houston reading mechanical engineering. As I was writing these words Alex sent message that he made a A+ in his very first exam! Praise the Lord! In the second picture my husband lovingly holds our youngest grandson (for now…) Oliver, who is 3. May our joy touch your hearts and become a harvest of thanksgiving to the glory of God!

Tali and Alex

Tali and Oliver Oakes