“The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, Because the LORD has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound… To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor… Today, this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” (Is 61:1, Lk 4:18-21)

Dear brethren and beloved children, it is Malia again. Each morning I sit before my laptop and pray for the words to come. I want to encourage you, to teach you, as I share the experiences of my life with you. I do not choose between emotions. I share my pains and I share my victories with you. I want to be real. I want to please God and encourage you! Often, the words are so compacted together in my heart that I need to wait, ‘to stand still and know that God is God’. I testify that The Holy Spirit supplies to me daily the grace of standing in Christ. His mercies are new (not recycled) every morning. The Holy Spirit is Life and manifests as the power of resurrection. This power is always active, fresh, and fruitful. It is possible that in the past, I had a tendency to preserve some old revelation, in the ‘freezer’ of my memory. But these days, The Holy Spirit decided to feed me only fresh words and fresh strength. From the present harvest of heaven, like the bread of angels, the mysterious dew of the Spirit settles daily on my soul. It makes my heart soft and strong at the same time. It makes my soul ‘glitter’ with the glory of heaven. As I said to you before, both your father and I we are blessed. He is blessed in heaven and I am blessed on earth, until that day. These blessings are eternal, purchased by the Blood of the Lamb on the Cross of Calvary. No man can give, and no man can take away. Only God from whom all blessings flow! All glory to Him alone!


In the scripture above we see our Lord Jesus Christ preaching His ‘first sermon’, in Nazareth, His hometown. Better said, He made His first official prophesy that He is the Messiah; that He is the fulfilment of all prophecies in the Old Testament. He is the Word of God wrapped in flesh. Who believes will be saved! Who rejects Him, stands condemned! The people who heard Him that day rejected Him. Even until today, some believe and some reject Jesus. When Jesus came to earth, sent by the Father, to die for sinners, He divided time and humanity into two. With Jesus, there is no middle ground. You either welcome Him into your heart, or you reject Him from coming into your heart. If you believe in Jesus, that He is the Son of God, that He is the Son of Man, who came to die for your sins; if you repent of your sins and you receive Him in your heart as your Savior and as your Lord, then the Holy Spirit will seal that confession and witness to you and to others that you are now a child of God. Salvation is always the work of God. No man can save you. No religion can save you. Even if you are attending a good church, do ministry and help people, you are a pastor or bishop (like Tali use to say), if you are not born again by water and the Spirit, you are still lost. You need to humble yourself and come to the Cross. Look to the Crucified, gaze long upon Him who died for you. Then the miracle will happen. Eternal life will flood your soul. This is not just preaching. This is not a story produced my man’s imagination. The experience of salvation is more real than the food you ate this morning.


Your father in Christ, Pastor Richmond Sisan Leigh, and myself we have experienced the miracle of being born again. That is why we preached the Gospel all these years. That is why I still preach God’s Word. It is because my husband was saved by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, by what He did on the Cross on His behalf, that is why he is now in heaven. You cannot be saved, you cannot go to heaven on your own merit, no matter how good you think you are. God deals with His children only on the basis of His grace. We do not ‘merit’ salvation. Eternal life is not a reward for ‘a life well spent’. If you live hundred years on earth, without the seal of the Holy Spirit that you are saved, you can never go to heaven. I am sure that you remember how Tali used to say: ‘if a beautiful woman tells herself: how can God send me to hell when He sees my ‘fine face’? Tali said He will send you there straight if you refuse to bow to God and receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord’. This is the truth! This is God’s Word. Truth is not sweet to a sinner, but the knowledge of truth sets free. Nothing else has the power to save and free a soul as the truth in Christ alone! Tali also used to say: ‘Truth is a Person. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life!’


In the scripture above, we see that Jesus, quoting the prophet Isaiah, identified His mission on earth.  He said that God has anointed Him in a particular way to do the work of God. Jesus was conceived and filled with the Holy Spirit even from Mary’s womb. But at the River Jordan, when the heavens open, the Holy Spirit descended on Him as a visible dove. God the Father confirmed that Jesus is His beloved Son and that He is pleased with Him. You see there the Trinity working together. This was not a private anointing. This was a public event that John and others witnessed. They saw the Holy Spirit descending as a Dove on the Lamb of God. They heard the voice of God the Father confirming who His Son is. The truth is that Jesus did not need to be baptized by John. The people were baptized by John as a sign of repentance from their sins. Jesus was sinless. But He decided to publicly identify with us the sinners, so that He can die on our behalf. What a Savior!  Worship Jesus!


As I read again the scripture this morning. I am touched with its power. Jesus came to live and die so that the anointing to preach His Gospel will forever be fresh and strong. The anointing of the Holy Spirit can never fade or become weak. It always produces results! Paul commanded all believers: “Preach the Gospel!’ We must obey! We should never be tired to open our mouths and preach the Gospel of grace! The Lord Jesus Christ also declared that He was sent ‘to heal the broken hearted’. In the past, I quoted this scripture many times to encourage people. But I never ‘felt’ the scripture the way I ‘feel’ it now. The Lord Jesus Christ is faithful to His promises. By the power of the Holy Spirit He is healing my broken heart. Since Tali went to heaven, the pain in my heart, only God can heal it. This is the truth! In Hebrew, the word ‘heal’ means to bind a wound, one stich after another. That means healing, even if it done by God, it is a slow process. The spiritual ‘internal bleeding’, the pain of a heart broken to pieces, comes as slow but steady process. I live by faith. I do not want to take ‘pain killers’, antidepressants or sleeping tablets. I want to pass thru this season of pain organically, alone, in the presence of God. Every day I feel my heart getting stronger, with a strength that is from above. ‘Thank You, Father, Son and Holy Ghost!’


Our Lord also said that He came ‘to proclaim liberty to the captives’. In other words, Jesus came as the original eternal source of victory freedom from sin and all bondages. He came with His Word, a mighty river of liberty, an overflowing ‘tsunami’ of freedom ‘indeed’. The captives are the children of God who ignorantly, were in bondage to the forces of darkness. Thru sin, they became the devil’s ‘prisoners of war’. They were forced to act against their wills, to serve the enemy of God. Jesus came to open the doors of every prison of limitation, sickness, poverty, and oppression. The former prisoners of sin are now free to serve the living God! Out of the prison of despair, sin, failure and death, an army of worshippers is born! This army fights God’s battles! This army knows no defeat! This army conquers new territories for the King of kings and brings life, not death, wherever it goes! This is the vision of revival I believe God is granting to us in Father’s House Bible Church. It will overflow to all the areas around and from here to the nations. Tali used to blow the shofar before each Sunday service. Now, the Holy Spirit is blowing the trumpet of revival. Are you hearing the holy sound? Jesus Christ is our Commander in Chief! We, the former slaves to the devil, are now soldiers of Christ and worshippers in His victory celebration train! We move on from triumph to triumph! We are more than conquerors thru Him who loved us and died to save us! This is our story! This is our song! Praising our Savior all day long!


Dear Children, as you can see, your mother is fired up. The Word of God is like fire in my bones. I pray for me and for you, for a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit. The theme for this year is ‘Power from on high’! It must come! We must stand and we must make progress. The ministry Tali left behind is blessed by God. Richmond Sisan Leigh ministries, Father’s House Bible Church are blessed by God! Jesus is Lord! We shall build on that foundation. God will help us. May your hearts and hands be strong for the work ahead. This is God’s Work and no man’ work. God will bless us all! Love in Christ alone, Malia!


(Pastor (Mrs) Silvia Lia Leigh, 31-07-2020)



“Listen to Me…says the Lord… I carried you from your mother’s womb, even from the time of your birth into this world… I will continue to carry you… Even to your old age I am He, and even to your advanced old age I will carry you! I have made you, and I will carry you; Be assured I will carry you, sustain you and I will save you” (Is 46:3, 4)


Dear brethren and beloved children, this is Malia. I am here again to share with you from the strength I receive daily from the Holy Spirit. We shared in the pain; we must now share in God’s Strength. This morning, I was thinking about my life. I am so blessed!!! I can never complain. By the grace of God, your mother will never become a bitter woman, always angry and never sweet. Spiritually and naturally, I can never be a liability to you or to anyone on earth. Why? Because I am a child of God! My life is not my own. God has freely and graciously taken responsibility to carry me to my old age, to my promised destination, which is heaven. The Almighty God is my God forever!


In Hebrew, the word ‘carry’ means to have a burden or to be pregnant. God is telling me (and all the children of God) that He has chosen us in Christ, even before the foundation of the world. We were placed in ‘the womb of the morning’, in the heart of Christ, by God the Father. We were never lost, rejected, or exposed to the world. In Christ, we are always hidden, protected, loved, and covered! Even before we discovered our identity as children of God, we were in Christ, shielded, nurtured, and loved. From eternity we were never rejected. We have always been ‘accepted in the Beloved’. Believe the Word of God! A natural mother may be tired to carry her pregnancy, especially at the end of it. She wants to be ‘delivered’ and be free from the burden of carrying another inside her. After the baby is born, she will carry and ‘back’ the baby. She is happy to do this labor of love. But no matter how loving the mother is, she will become tired of the burden to take care of the baby. Eventually, she will put him down and even if the baby cries, she may ignore him; just to rest a little. But God, is never tired of carrying us. He is never impatient with our cries and requests. God is love! God has promised ‘to carry us’ thru the journey of life, to the expected end. We must ‘make heaven’ because we were ‘conceived’ in heaven. The earth is not our real home. Heaven is! As children of God that is our destination and destiny. A child of God is never forsaken, ‘dropped down’ or ignored by His Father in heaven.


As the Father knows each little sparrow that falls to the ground, so He knows everything about you. God loves you more that you can ever love yourself. God loves your family more than you can ever love them. If you are saved, your children are children of covenant! God will save them, spiritually and naturally. No evil shall prevail against you. No weapon will prosper against you. Because you are in Christ, no man or woman can stand against you, all the days of your lives. He who God carries, is safe and secure forever. Eternal life is eternal life! Nobody can snatch you out of His back, for you and Christ are bound with the cords of everlasting love. Nobody can pluck you out of His hands. This is His promise! Have peace! Salvation is free (not cheap) because Jesus paid it all with His precious Blood. But spiritual growth is not free. Every progress you make in your Christian life has a price to be paid. Be willing to pay that price. Spiritual maturity is a great treasure, useful on earth and rewarded in heaven. You need to study the Word and obey it until you see results. You need to fast and pray. You need to work for God, to worship Him. Do not wait for men to congratulate you. Just do it for Jesus! He will reward you! I promise you! You need to press on to the mark of Christ, to the mature faith. You need to gain this assurance, this confidence, not just of your salvation, but that you have entered the powerful realm of victory. Have the assurance of your salvation. For you, heaven will be more real than Warri. Also, remember that God is Spirit. Miracles should be your bread. Enjoy God!


Both your father in the Lord and I, were not just genuinely saved. We pressed on to make our election and calling sure. We pressed on to find the assurance of our salvation. We sought it and the Holy Spirit gave it to us. That is why we were bold in Christ and in ministry. We were like people who have nothing to lose. Like Tali used to say: ‘head or tail, in Christ, you can only win’. This assurance of salvation is a real gain, a gift given by the Holy Spirit. Tali never doubted his salvation or his place in heaven as his permanent address. I also never doubted his conversion and testimony of salvation, because of the witness of the Holy Spirit and the fruits produced in Tali’s behavior and ministry. These are spiritual realities. These are my treasures I cherish for life! Not many women can say that their husbands are truly saved. But I can say it confidently and joyfully. Glory of God!


Many are called but few are chosen to be ‘carried’ by the Lord. Tali and I, by the grace of God, we are among the few, chosen in Christ, even before the foundation of the world. Both Tali and I are seated (not will be seated) in the heavenly places, in Christ, far above all principalities and powers. Because he is in heaven already, he is more ‘comfortable’ with the seating. But we are both seated in Christ in heavenly places. I believe! This position applies to all the born-again believers. As children of God, truly, we have nothing to fear. Tali and I, we did not fear life, with its challenges, and we did not fear death, for that is the gate to enter heaven. Halleluiah!


I am writing these things because I want you to give glory to God for your parents’ life, I mean their eternal lives. Tali used to tell our children (especially to Jemine): ‘A baby elephant does not need to worry that one day he will be big. His father is big. His mother is big. Therefore, you Jemine, must be big!’ Every anxiety about the future, every inferiority complex must go away in the name of Jesus! In Christ, you are more than conquerors! You are children of covenant. Your names are written in the Lamb’s Book of life! There is no greater honor that that! Glory to God! It is true that I wished Tali lived longer on earth, but God decided to call him home, to his mansion in heaven. He is now walking on the streets of gold. He is now a member of the heavenly choir worshipping the Lamb upon the throne. Tali and King David, his friend, are singing there together. What a story! Tali is among the saints in the cloud of witnesses, cheering us to run the race, strong and faithful to the end. Different brethren call me to say that they have seen Tali happy in glory! With the eyes of faith, I believe Tali sees me and he sees you. He has laid a great foundation for the ministry. We must build on it with only quality materials that can never burn off. We shall use only ‘blocks’ made of silver, gold, and precious stones. That may make us slower in building, but the structure will stand the test of fire, the test of time and the test of eternity. We shall not be in a hurry to use wood or hay to build the ministry. Spiritually, quality is always greater than quantity. From now on, I cannot do my ministry as a wife to your father on earth. But I see that I still have my other gifts and ministries: to be a mother, grandmother, and pastor to many.  This work must continue. God will give me the strength and the wisdom. I want to make you proud! I dedicate my life to glorify God in the work He gave me to do. I still grieve the loss of my husband. But I am not discouraged or in despair. God carries me. That is all that matters. May the name of Jesus Christ shine forth thru my life! May my Christ light shine! Finally, please never forget to give all the glory to God, to thank Him always and for everything. I love you truly! Love in Christ alone, Malia!


(Pastor (Mrs) Silvia Lia Leigh 30-07-2020)


“I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word” (Psalm 119:16)

Dear Brethren and beloved children, it is me again, Malia. Every day I try to write down what I sense the Holy Spirit does in my heart, in my life. Since my beloved husband, your father, has gone to be with the Lord, it has been the hardest, most painful time, since I was born. But I do not complain. I have too many reasons to thank God every day. I thank God for my life! His mercies are still new every morning (This may be because I exhausted all the portion of mercy that He gave me yesterday). Every day I read the Bible and pray. I listen to worship music. When Tali was alive I was busy attending to him. I took my ministry as his wife very seriously. Right now, my life is simpler. I learn to enjoy the simplicity of Christ. I discovered that I lost my interest in anything made by man. I do not watch the news, politics, or information from the world. I keep to God’s Word and I pray. That is enough for me. My spirit is getting calmer. My soul benefits from this peace. Thank God! My body receives new strength. This is the truth: I am not worried or afraid for my life or for my future. My life has been and still is a living sacrifice on the altar of God for the worship to continue. I am not a ‘victim’ of circumstances. God forbid! I live in victory purchased for me by The Lord on the Cross. I am not afraid of the devil. The devil should fear me! I am a child of God! I am a woman of God! I am a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ! He is still my shepherd and I still have no wants. He makes me to lie down in the green pastures of His Word, by the still waters of the Holy Spirit. As He has promised, He continually restores my soul. My mind is at peace. My emotions are under His control. My will is lost in His will.


As you can see, I am blessed and highly favored. The lovely memories my husband and I made over 47 years of marriage, are still my treasure. They are mine, to the end of my life. Our marriage was blessed and so happy. It became a fruitful ministry inspiring many of you. Even in his absence, this ministry will continue and become even stronger. My prayers for you to have successful marriages shall still be answered by God! From what He gave to me over the years, from that well of revelation, the water shall still be wine, for you all. Faith 100%! Doubt 0%!


Since I gave my life to Christ in March 1986, I was never the same person. My vision of life, death, success, and work as a doctor, totally changed. I became in love with the Bible. I was always hungry and thirsty for His Word and for the Holy Spirit. By the grace of God, I never had a season of backsliding. I was never religious before or after my conversion. I am not saying that I became sinless or perfect. Only our Lord was like that as a Man on earth. No! But I was careful not to grieve the Holy Spirit thru unconfessed and unrepentant sin. Once the Holy Spirit pointed a sin to me, even if no man addressed that area, I immediately, joyfully, and gratefully repented. I kept ‘short accounts’ with God. As a sinner, I was like a wild dog who had no master. Now, Jesus was training me to be a domesticated well-behaved dog. He was holding the leash. And the leash was very short. I could never go far away from His presence. I loved to walk with Him, every moment. This is how I changed, from a shy gazelle, to become a lioness, royalty, a daughter of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The change was spiritual, inside my heart and very deep. Little by little it started to produce visible and audible fruits.


God used my husband to prune me, to teach me. He thought me how to stand, speak, dress, and behave as a woman of God. He was very good at ‘packaging’. I had a tendency to be careless with my presentation, but he never allowed me to do that. He insisted that I speak well, and I dress well. We never liked ‘flashy’ clothes or things, but he insisted that I dress and speak as a woman of God, when I am among many people or even talking to one person at a time. His words still ‘talk’ in my head. They are part of who I am. His memory is blessed. His ministry will continue to be fruitful, thru my life, our children and all the people he loved and mentored.  God oversees that! I trust Him!


This morning, I rededicated my life to the Lord Jesus Christ. I will never be tired to do that. I promised God that by His grace, I will be a woman of His Word and of His Spirit. The Word of God shall be my food, my water, my medicine, my joy, my comfort, my guide and my strength. I shall be careful to listen to the Holy Spirit and obey every command. May the love for the Word of God increase on my life. May I never forget His Word. May the Word sink deep in my spirit, become ingrafted in me, until I become one with it. One with the Word! That will be my lifestyle, my peace, my joy, and my strength. God will anoint my lips to preach His Word! I invite you, that by the grace of God, you follow me as a I follow Christ. We are in this journey together. We wept together in the darkest night; we must all rejoice as the morning breaks with healing in its wings!


A great man of God said this: “The world has yet to see what God can do with a man fully consecrated to him. By God’s help, I aim to be that man.” (D. L. Moody). He was not very educated. He had some inferiority complex about preaching to educated people. Then God told him to trust Him and to preach the Word with boldness, power, and joy. He did that and God blessed him so much. Like D. L. Moody, I intend to be a woman of God, a servant of Christ, fully consecrated and totally depended on Him. May God bless my life and Richmond Sisan Leigh ministry! May God bless Father’s House Bible Church! May God bless us all! Love in Christ alone, Malia


(Pastor (Mrs) Silvia Lia Leigh/ 28-07-2020)


“We are confident and of good courage, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present, at home with the Lord” (2Cor 5:8)
Our dear children, beloved brethren in Christ, this morning, I want to thank God for who He is and for His presence in my life. My words cannot express how much I appreciate the presence of God the Holy Spirit, dwelling with me and in me. He is my true Comforter and Strength. No man can do what He alone can do. I encourage you to draw closer to God and to be (re) filled with the Holy Spirit. This is the real secret of a successful Christian life.
As you can imagine, since my beloved husband, your dear father, has gone to heaven, I live a different type of life. I must readjust my (natural) priorities, my desires, and my prayers. Things come and go, people come and go, but God never changes. Also, one thing never changes: I am a child of God. I have eternal life! I live to please, serve and glorify the God of my salvation. Thru it all, my love and worship for Jesus must remain faithful, steady, and even increase with each passing day. God will help me as He helps you too.
Over the years, my husband and I discussed our old age and eventual death. Both of us agreed that it is better for me to go first to heaven. We took this revelation from the fact that Abraham buried Sarah and Jacob buried Leah (my name’ sake). We prayed and we had peace about this idea. When God suddenly took my husband to heaven, I was shocked and confused for some time. This is because I never prayed or saw myself as a widow. I know the scripture that says: “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand” (PV 19:21). But I was still shocked at his sudden departure. Now I see that it was God’s purpose to take him to heaven first. According to God, I still have work to do for Him on earth. Later, in God’s time, I will go to heaven too. I am sure of that! Until then, I must strengthen myself to do God’s work. Both the harvest and the reward are great. God shall supply the strength, the wisdom, and the anointing. I trust God 100%! All the glory is His alone!
It is interesting how the Holy Spirit encourages me thru some scriptures I never gave much attention in the past. Paul talks about two tents, two types of clothing or two bodies (2 Cor 5:1-11). There is natural (visible) body and there is spiritual (invisible) body. He says that on earth, your soul lives in a temporary tent, a mortal body which is made from the soil of the earth. He says that for as long as your soul (the real you) lives in your ‘earthen vessel’, in your natural body, though you are born again, you are ‘absent’ from the Lord. That means you have not yet arrived in heaven. In Greek, the word ‘absent’ means to be an immigrant abroad. Your real permanent home is in heaven. On earth, you are like an immigrant. The Bible calls us pilgrims. In heaven, you shall be given a new perfect eternal glorious spiritual body. You will be like Jesus more than ever. This is the revelation of Christ in you, the hope of glory! Our future (heaven included) is surely better than our present situation. But please be careful! This hope and encouragement apply only to the children of God. (If you are not saved, I beg you, make peace with God. Give your life to Christ! That will be the best decision that you will ever make, changing your life and your destiny!)
This is my testimony: my husband took his last breath holding my hand. I was with him in the ambulance going to Oghara Hospital. He was breathing very hard. Then he said: ‘to God be the glory’ and he breathed his last. I was praying in tongues for that was all that was coming from my mouth. I remember that there was no fear in him or in me. With the eyes of faith I saw his soul been set free from the limiting cage of his mortal body. I followed him inside the hospital where the doctors and the nurses tried to resuscitate him. I knew that his soul has gone. As I saw his lifeless body and I said goodbye, the Holy Spirit helped me to have peace with the situation. A week later, his lifeless body was laid to rest with honor and respect in the place where he prepared to be buried. Thank God for the strength and the grace given to our friends and family at our most difficult hour. God will surely bless you.
This morning, by the Word of God, I am encouraged once more to know that my husband is now ‘present with the Lord’. There is no doubt in my mind that he is very happy worshipping Jesus. I see him happy! Therefore, I am happy! He has made it! This is the Word of God: There are only two options: a man can live in his body on earth or with a new spiritual body in heaven, seeing Jesus and worshipping Jesus. There is no third option. Again, I am addressing only those who are born again, saved by the Blood of the Lamb. So, as children of God we have nothing to fear. Do not fear life and do not fear death! Thru the Cross, death and its power, the fear of death, has been totally defeated. Never forget! Heaven is real. Eternal life is real. May the Holy Spirit use these words to strengthen your hearts. We must run the race to the end. There are many troubles in this life, but Christ has overcome the world! We must do the same, in His name! Christ in you is greater than any opposition, spiritual or natural. All the demons from hell can never snatch a soul who found refuge in the Lord Jesus Christ! My eyes have seen the glory ahead. My heart has felt the power of hope and resurrection. Life is stronger than death! Jesus is Lord! May the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit infuse your spiritual veins today. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might! God’s work must go on! The worship must continue! Thank you for being with me in the journey of my life. God bless you all! Love in Christ alone, Malia!
(Pastor (Mrs) Silvia Lia Leigh/ 28-07-2020)


“Seek the LORD, and His strength: seek His face evermore… I love you, Lord, my strength” (Ps 105:4; 18:1)
Dear brethren, I want to share my present testimony with you! These are days of fire purifying my soul. Since my husband went to heaven, many things have changed for me. This is my new reality. I do not want to let depression or doubt master me. I am a born-again Christian. I am a woman of God, a servant of God! Since I gave my life to Christ in March 1986, Jesus is my Lord! The Holy Spirit fills me, directing me in the path of life. If I look only at what I have I lost, I will despair. I ‘lost’ my blessed work as a wife to a beloved man on earth. This is a big loss for me for I took my duty as his wife and helpmeet as a ministry before God. Since Tali went to heaven, I cannot hold his hand, I cannot pray for him, encourage him, or cook for him … That is lost…

So, what is left? As the shock of not seeing him on earth is slowly fading away, I discovered that, to my surprise, I did not lose everything. My work and ministry as a mother, grandmother, and a pastor to many is still with me. I did not lose that. I can still be a mother in Christ to many. I can still pastor the flock of Christ under my care. This is my calling from God. This is my duty, work, ministry, and privilege. I must be found faithful in the field God has planted me. By the grace of God, I decided to stand and do my work, to the glory of God! The devil attacked my mind saying: ‘you have lost your husband. There is nothing now to live for…’ Initially, I listened to the voice of the liar. Then suddenly, by the power of the Holy Spirit I stood on my feet and decided to fight back. I needed my mind back! I have the mind of Christ! I did spiritual warfare! I prayed with a loud voice, both in English and in tongues, rejecting every lie of the devil! I choose to keep my eyes and heart fixed on Jesus! I choose to feed my soul with the Word of God, even if, for now, I can only ‘eat it’ small portions. In the past, I can read many pages in the Bible without getting tired. Now, I read slowly, one scripture at a time. I meditate on the Word; I pray the Word and store it in my heart. The Word brings light, truth, healing, strength, and anointing. So, by the grace of God, I am getting stronger every day. I appreciate the Word of God and prayer more than ever before. Thank you so much for all your prayers and words of love and encouragement!

The most ‘useful injection’ I feel I have received from the Holy Spirit is that of His strength. On my own, I feel week. But I sense a fresh infusion of strength, God’s strength that carries me on. My mind is stronger to think without any anxiety. My will is stronger to make the right decisions, without doubting. My emotions are stronger, under control. My body itself co-cooperates and benefits from God’s strength. Slowly, my appetite for food is coming back. I sleep better. This is my testimony. God’s face shines on me and mine by giving us supernatural strength. Our lives are to be lived in His presence! To His glory! I encourage you dear brethren to stand in the power of God’s might! Fight the good fight of faith! We are lions and lionesses, children of the Lion of the tribe of Judah! Like Tali used to say: ‘for a lion to run from an antelope, that is an abomination’. This morning, I pray for you, for the strength to fast, pray and wait for God. Fear not! God is with us! Only good must come out of this ‘holy assembly’ in the Spirit! Be strong! Be encouraged! I love you all with the love of the Lord! God bless you! Love in Christ alone, Malia!

(Pastor (Mrs) Silvia Lia Leigh/ 27-07-2020)


“Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!” (Ps 27:14)
This period, since my husband’s transition to glory, has been the most difficult time of my life. Without the Holy Spirit in me and by my side, I could have collapsed, spiritually and physically. This is the truth. But God… But God… Against all odds, when I was at my weakest, I sensed a power carrying me like the mother eagle carries her children on her strong wings. This power is surely not my own. To the glory of God, to the shame of the devil, and for the encouragement of the brethren, this is my present testimony: by the grace of God, I am getting stronger daily. The strength comes in like an ‘IV drip’ in my veins. Not too much at once. Drop by drop, slowly and steadily, the strength comes in. My broken heart is healing and getting stronger. This is a true miracle! The best way to describe this miracle is the power of resurrection rising in my soul. All glory to God who alone can manifest such power and grace. Money cannot buy it and men cannot give or take away. It is the gift of God.

I am learning a new lesson… In the scripture above you see that you must fulfill some conditions for God to grant new strength to your heart. The first condition is this: Wait on the Lord! Even in your pain, even when you do not understand what God is doing, you must still acknowledge God and wait for Him to come, to touch you and your circumstances. When you are in pain or in trouble, God seems slow in coming to help you. Reject impatience and doubt! Wait on God! The truth is this: God is never too fast and never too slow. He is exactly right on time. God’s time! It is a good spiritual exercise to wait for God to come. Once He comes, in one second everything changes, and you will be happy and grateful for the fruitful wait.

The second condition for God to strengthen your heart is for you to be strong, to exercise courage first. Reject the spirit of fainting! By faith, God wants you to exercise courage in that difficult situation before He will add strength to your inner man. As God gives wisdom to the wise, so He gives strength to those who chose to stand in the power of His might. In a way, God waits for you as you wait on Him! You must take the position of a soldier carrying your weapons, even if you are wounded in battle. Then God will heal your wound as you do His work.

As for me, I was not what you call a courageous person. Before I became born again, I was indeed a coward. I used to run from confrontations. My husband was the bold one in the family. After I became Spirit filled, it the Holy Spirit who helped me to change. My husband used to rebuke me and pray for me for boldness to stand, in life and in ministry. He used to say: “Lia, you can do it! Stop hiding! Stand up! Trust God and trust in yourself! You are a woman of God!” I still hear his words… Courage is defined as the ability to control your fear in a dangerous or difficult situation; it means to be brave and confident enough to do what you believe in! For me, courage came when I knew that I must stand for Christ’ sake, for our children, for our grandchildren and for the brethren in the church. As a mother in Israel, God helped me to ignore my pain and stand up for others. I decided to fight depression, doubt, and fear. I prayed and prayed, in English and tongues. Once I made the choice to stand and fight the enemy’s flood of evil, strength came from above. I felt I was not alone. Indeed, I am not alone. You are not alone. God is our God from beginning to the end. God is our strength and song and now He has become our salvation, our boast, victory, and testimony!

Dear brethren, I encourage you to wait for God to come to you, to invade your home and to your circumstances. Fast, pray and wait! He will come! God never fails! God knows His job! The miracle is on its way! I believe with you! Nothing is impossible for God! I encourage you to be strong and fight back that sickness, that poverty, that trouble. As you do so, more strength shall be released to you. I love you brethren! It is well with us! God bless you all! Love in Christ alone, Malia.

(Pastor (Mrs) Silvia Lia Leigh, 25-07-2020)


Yesterday, during the midweek service, Pastor Tony Kadiri shared this testimony. We met many years ago. By the grace of God I lead him to Christ. I also prayed for him to marry a woman of God. He said Amen! I did not see for many years until he came back again, to his roots. He came now as a married man with their three children. Since then, he and his wife Agatha, have been a great blessing to Tali, me and the Body of Christ. By the grace of God, they are now my assistant pastors! Read and be blessed!

“Before Pastor Tony Kadiri started the Bible study , He gave the testimony below: “Welcome to today’s bible study but before we continue , i would like to share my personal testimony. I first met our pastor , pastor Malia in October of 1988 when I came for treatment in their hospital , Lily clinic ; as you know that hospital was founded by Tali and Malia.
Dr Malia as she was then known preached Christ to me and I was angry and not receptive inside of me because I never wanted to have anything to do with Jesus ; but that ministration of Christ as my Savior kept on playing back in my spirit until I went back to her about March of 1989 and surrendered my life to Jesus Christ . She gave me the first bible I ever owned which I still cherish till date. I worshiped in other ministries until the Lord led me to look for Malia in 2007 for counseling ,18yrs after she led me to Christ . I set out to lily clinic precisely on 2nd July 2007 only to be told they had given up medical practice for full time ministry . I got to the house and original location of lily clinic which I discovered had been converted to the church – Father’s House bible church.
Malia recognized me, prayed with me and invited me to church the following Sunday being the 7th of July 2007. This first service was awesome with the presence of the Holy Spirit and Tali ministering the word . Tali has not only been our pastor for these 13yrs, but a father, teacher, mentor and a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
You can have thousand instructors of the word but not many fathers. Tali and Malia are my ‘Two Fathers in the Word’.
We know Tali is seated in the heavenly places with Christ Jesus and watching over us even as we speak. He never glorified himself but always pointed us to Christ and Him crucified as the foundation of our faith. He fought a good fight of faith, finished his race on this terrestrial realm and now in his permanent abode in the celestial realm with Christ Jesus” To God be the Glory!


Dear children of God, I am here to encourage you again. This is Malia! I just read again the story of how our Lord Jesus Christ prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane! He was there with His eleven disciples. He knew His betrayer will come. He knew that He will be arrested and crucified the next day. He knew it was the will of God! He was ready to submit to the will of His Father. As you know, His sacrifice on the Cross gave us eternal life! Halleluiah! As a Man, for Jesus, this was the greatest trial He will ever face. He was ready to take all our sins on Himself and die for us! Please watch what Jesus does at the hour of His greatest pain: He told His disciples that He wants to pray. He said: “My soul is deeply grieved, so that I am almost dying of sorrow. Stay here and stay awake and keep watch with Me.” Then He went ‘a little farther’ and prayed. He went again a little farther and prayed the second time. Then He did the same thing again, the third time, ‘saying the same words once more’ (Mt 26:38-44). At last, He was ready to meet Judas who betrayed Him with a kiss. From there, He went to the Cross where He died for me and you. What a Savior!

What are the lessons I have learned from this passage? At the point of His greatest sorrow, our Lord did two things: He prayed, and He made progress. He went a little farther each time He prayed. Even when He prayed, He repeated the same words, three times. How many times we just get tired of praying? Jesus persevered in prayers! He also appreciated the fellowship of His disciples, even when they were so weak. I want to be and behave like Jesus! As I see it here, during the times of trial, we need to pray to God! Stay close to God! Man is weak to help but God is always stronger than your problems. The devil wants you to just weep, to become depressed, to doubt God and become defeated. He wants you to forget the powerful weapon of prayer. We must pray always especially when the flood of evil comes against us! After prayer, Jesus used His ‘left over’ strength to move ‘a little farther’. Like Him, you pray, and you move on! Even if you must crawl on the ground, still move on! Make a little progress! God will help you! Do not stay in the same place. Life is like a river: Move on with it! When life is good and when life is not so good, move on! You cannot go back! Even now, with broken hearts, we must pray and make progress! God is with us! God will help us! The church will stand strong! The worship must continue! I appreciate all your prayers! Each one of us may be weak, but together, in the unity of the Spirit, as a Body, we become a spiritual hurricane! Devil, back off! I am waiting for new testimonies how God has helped you to make progress, even now! A woman in labor has pain, but soon, the baby is coming out! At last! Then we forget the pain and rejoice! Pain is gone and progress was made! Is it not God? Dear children of God, be strong and be faithful! God bless you, your marriages, your children, your families, the work of your hands, your bodies, souls and spirits! Love in Christ alone, Malia

Pastor (Mrs) Silvia Lia Leigh 22-07-2020


“For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a shout of command, with the voice of the archangel and with the [blast of the] trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain [on the earth] will simultaneously be caught up (raptured) together with them [the resurrected ones] in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord! Therefore comfort and encourage one another with these words [concerning our reunion with believers who have died]… For God has not destined us to [incur His] wrath [that is, He did not select us to condemn us], but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died [willingly] for us, so that whether we are awake (alive) or asleep (dead) [at Christ’s appearing], we will live together with Him [sharing eternal life]. Therefore, encourage and comfort one another and build up one another, just as you are doing” (1Thess 4:16-18; 5:9-11)

Dear brethren, beloved children of God, it is Malia again. This morning I want to freely share with you from the supernatural strength I am receiving daily, from the Holy Spirit. The truth is that, in the past, when all things were happy for me, I never appreciated this liquid glory strength coming into my veins. I took it for granted that God should bless me, strengthen me, and help me. But since my husband’ translation to glory, I became humbler, more grateful to God for His mercy, for His presence with me. Words are not enough to describe who Jesus is to me now. ‘For me to live is Christ…’ From the bottom of my heart I appreciate His Word, His Spirit and His promises.

In the scripture above we are commanded to encourage and build one another in the faith. We are not to be selfish and greedy with our spiritual blessings. I don’t want ‘to eat’ alone. I want us to share in this holy meal of strength and wisdom provided by the Holy Spirit. Little is much when God is in it! This command to encourage is not a general command but it relates to the hope of glory we share in Christ. We hope together, therefore we must be strong together! The Apostle Paul reminds us that one day, our Lord Jesus Christ will come back again. The doctrine of the Second coming of Christ is fundamental to our faith. If you do not believe it, you are not born again! The first time our Lord came to earth, He came as a Baby. He came as our Savior, to die and save us, the sinners. But one day, the heavens will break loose and He will come again as the King of kings and the Lord of lords, in power and with great glory. He will punish all who rejected Him and rectify all wrongs ever committed. The saints (the born again), the ones who went to heaven before us (like Tali) and the rest of us still alive on earth we shall all gather to Him in a glorious rapture. The lessen here is that thru the physical death we are separated from other believers. But in Christ we are still one and we shall always be one. There is no division in Christ. The unity of the Spirit is eternal because the Holy Spirit is God. This is true encouragement that as children of God, by the grace of God, we shall never be ‘lost in sin’ or ‘lost space’, abandoned, forsaken or ignored by God. Our identity and spiritual position in Christ, started even before the foundation of the world. It is our destiny to live for Christ and to ‘make heaven’. Fear not! Heaven is surer than to have a visa to go abroad! We do not know the time of the second coming and we do not know the day of our departure from earth. But what we know is that we must live our lives to the fullest, serving God faithfully to end, fulfilling destiny by being a blessing to this generation! All to the glory of God! Be strong! Be encouraged! Be filled with the Holy Spirit!

In Christ I declare (and on behalf our children, natural and spiritual):
I am a child of God! My soul is saved eternally! I believe that Jesus Christ is my Savior and my Lord forever! I believe and joyfully expect that our Lord Jesus Christ will come back again! I am safe and secure in Him! I am one with Him! This unity is eternal, and nothing and nobody can destroy it! One day, I will go to heaven and meet with all the dear saints who went there before us! To the glory of the only Living God! Right now, I receive strength, peace, joy, wisdom and supranatural health to continue the Christian race until that day! Christ is glorified in my life! I am a blessing to my generation! I am blessed forever! I am saved forever! I am filled with the same power that raised Jesus from the dead! I reject all fears! I only fear God! I and my children we are for signs and wonders coming from the Lord who dwells in Zion! It is well with me! It is well with us! In Jesus’ name, amen!

Pastor (Mrs) Silvia Lia Leigh/ 21-07-2020


“But we have this precious treasure [the good news about salvation] in [unworthy] earthen vessels [of human frailty], so that the grandeur and surpassing greatness of the power will be [shown to be] from God [His sufficiency] and not from ourselves. We are pressured in every way [hedged in], but not crushed; perplexed [unsure of finding a way out], but not driven to despair; hunted down and persecuted, but not deserted [to stand alone]; struck down, but never destroyed; always carrying around in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the [resurrection] life of Jesus also may be shown in our body” (2Cor 4:7-10; AMP)
Good morning dear family of God! This is Malia. Yesterday was a great day for me. I mean to be able to talk to you thru online Sunday service. I was so happy! I missed church! This is the first positive good thing I was able to do since Tali’s translation to glory. I did not know that I could video record myself alone at home. This pain and process has really humbled me. Somehow, I did not imagine living as a widow, but I imagined Tali as a widower. God overruled all our plans and decided that Tali will go first. I bow to God’s will. Every day I sense a new strength I never had before. My heart is still in pain, but the new strength comes in to be able to bear it.
Read the scripture above… I am more aware of the difference between body and spirit. We, the children of God, are spirit beings, having a soul and living in a body. Our bodies are made of dust; they are frail. They are the ‘cheapest’ material of all. But our souls and spirits are God’s. What makes us special is what God has done inside our hearts, our spirits. Our value to God and even to men is that inside these weak bodies lives a living treasure, which is the Holy Spirit. Can you imagine that Christ lives in us, the Hope of glory? The body container is weak and humble. But the content is mighty, supernatural, and indestructible. The Holy Spirit inside us, the Christ Himself living in us, that is where the power is. That is the sufficiency of God! Because of this treasure God has promised to be with us always. God deposited the treasure and He protects it. God is faithful! Even when we look weak, a supernatural strength will manifest in us. Even when we become discouraged or confused, a greater power that refuses to die, takes over. No unbeliever has this secret strength. No unbeliever has a testimony that during his trials of life he became better, wiser, stronger or that he drew closer to God. No unbeliever can say that thru it all, he became a champion. These promises are for God’s children alone.
Therefore, I encourage you. If these past days you’ve observed that the grace and strength of God is stronger than your pain and grief, blessed are you! It means that you are saved. It means that you are born again! Your soul is secured! As you carry your cross daily, your flesh, your love for the world dies daily. But then, you sense the resurrection power of Jesus propelling your spirit towards victory, holy success in ministry and eventually the reach the glory ahead. Read the Word of God daily. Fast and Pray! I do not know of any other method to help myself or you. Please pray for Pastor Trish and their sons. My heart goes to them too. God bless you and give you strength. We declare that this is a good week, with signs and wonders following. Be healed! Be strong! May your testimonies increase! As we share in the pain, we shall share in the joy that is coming! By the grace of God, let us press on! God bless you all! Worship the Lord!
Pastor (Mrs) Silvia Lia Leigh 20-07-2020



But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob,

And He who formed you, O Israel:

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;

I have called you by your name;

You are Mine.

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;

And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.

When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned,

Nor shall the flame scorch you.

For I am the Lord your God,

The Holy One of Israel, your Savior” (Is 43:1-3)


Good morning precious brethren, faithful saints in Christ Jesus (especially the brethren in Father’s House Bible Church). This is Malia again! I am here to encourage you with the encouragement I have received myself. I cannot wait until I am fully healed before helping you. The daily dose of strength I receive I share with you. I am a mother at heart. I feel for you! Every day I sense a new level of grace, entering my heart, my mind, my body. This is a new strength that I have never experienced before. As I encourage you, I encourage myself. As we share in the pain, we shall share in the victory. Just hold on! Keep trusting Jesus! It will get better with time…


Some brethren called me that they struggle with fears and anxieties of life. I do too… What can we do? As with all problems, the solution is found only in the Word of God. The Bible is God’s opinion. God never changes. His Word is always the same. We should read our Bibles even more and with greater faith. We should ‘eat’ the Word! It is food and medicine for the spirit! Between the pages of the Bible you will find all you need to live a godly, happy, successful, and fulfilled life.  


Read the scripture above in Isaiah 43. God, our Creator, and our Sustainer speaks to us, His children. He promised to always be close by, an ever-present Helper in times of need. God, the Holy Spirit is closer to you than your very breath. Never see God as far away, as difficult to please or erratic in behavior. That is a lie! The Bible reveals God to be a true Father to His children, compassionate, faithful, strong, all wise, and loving beyond what words can say.  As you see here, God Almighty, the God of heavens and the earth, has promised us that troubles will not destroy us. He never said that life will be easy. He never said that challenges will never come, that pain may not attack from time to time. But He has promised to walk with us thru the pain, thru the storm. This is my present testimony: I sense the Presence of the Holy Spirit. He works in me. He is with me. My pain is still great, but I am not alone with my pain. Jesus, who lived as a Man on earth, He knows, and He understands. The Comfort of the Holy Spirit is my greatest medicine now. The Holy God is commanding us to ‘fear not!’. Fear can never be my friend, my master, or my God. Jesus Christ is my Savior and my God. Therefore, I will not be afraid of men may do to me, of the future, of sickness, of untimely death, of poverty, of loneliness or of the future.


In Christ I declare:

Jesus died for me to save my soul. Jesus is my Covenant Redeemer! I am bought with His precious Blood. Jesus wrote my name in His Book of life! He is my good Shepperd and He calls me by my name.  I am His little Lamb following Him! The waters of troubles will not overflow me! I will not drown in my sorrow! The fires of trials will not scorch me! My faith is purified and made stronger even right now! I am eternally saved by the Lord Jesus Christ!  I reject all fears and I open by heart to be filled with the Holy Spirit again! In Jesus’ name, amen!


This morning I choose to trade all my fears for greater faith in God! “When I am afraid, I put my trust in You” (Ps 56:3). I reject fears! In their former space in my heart, I plant faith and peace and joy! May the good harvest give honor to God! Dear children, be fear free! By the power of the Holy Spirit it is possible to live a life free from the torments of fear. Be filled with the Holy Spirit! I love you all! Stay blessed!



(Pastor (Mrs) Silvia Lia Leigh, 17-07-2020)

I choose life!


Good morning precious children and brethren, especially those in Father’s House. This is Malia. I want to encourage you all with the encouragement I receive from the Holy Spirit. These past few days have been the most painful time in my life. I am getting used to the new reality that my beloved Husband of 47 years, your father in the Lord and Pastor Richmond Sisan Leigh is now in heaven. The pain is still in my heart but like I said yesterday. I refuse to allow the pain of loss to control my mind. I try to see everything thru the eyes of Jesus. He loved my husband and called him home. No servant can resist that call to glory. The truth is that as children of God, heaven is what we pray for and desire to go to one day. I have learned recently, thru my husband ‘s translation, that the call to glory, which is the greatest promotion and reward to any believer, that call can happen any moment. We need to be prepared any moment. We need to serve God in the best way we can so that we have no regrets when the hour comes. Tali lived a good life, godly life, happy life and fulfilled life. He loved the Lord Jesus more than he loved me, or his children, family and friends. This is how it should be! I am very proud of him. Tali still remains my hero, my inspiration! Of course, we could have loved to have him more days on earth, but God called him now. I bow to God’s will and I continue to worship Him.


This morning I am encouraged by the Word of God. I try t remove my attention from looking at myself or the circumstances around me. I go to the Word of God because it is my anchor in the storm of life. The Word of God never changes. Jesus is still the same, yesterday, today and forever. Praise His Holy name! This is God’s Word for me and for you today: “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob” (Deut 30:19, 20; NIV).


On behalf of myself and our children (natural and spiritual), in Christ I declare:

Having the heavens and the earth as my witnesses, I CHOOSE LIFE! Therefore, ME AND OUR CHILDREN (natural and spiritual) WILL LIVE! I choose to love the Almighty God, the Lord Jesus Christ with all my heart and with all my soul! I choose to listen to His voice and obey it. I do not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God! I will hold fast to God all the days of my life! I choose the eternal blessings of Christ! God is our life! God will give us many years in the land He has given to us. God bless you all! To God be all the glory! In Jesus’ name, amen!


(Pastor (Mrs) Silvia Lia Leigh, 16-07-2020)