“Let your foot seldom be in your neighbor’s house; lest he become tired of you and hate you” (Pv 25: 17, AMP)
God is jealous over you! There is a danger among Christians. They replace the comfort of the Holy Spirit with close relationships, even marriages. The foundation for this is the work of familiar spirits. A familiar spirit is a demon that uses friendships. Two or more persons become too personal, unduly intimate in sharing all secrets. This becomes the basis for their friendship. It may not be sexual; it could be just emotional ties. They know each other too well, from close association and exchange of ideas. To the world this sounds like the perfect relationship or marriage. But the Bible calls this human over-familiarity -witchcraft. In the Old Testament, such were punished with death (Lev 20:27). In Hebrew the word for wizard is ‘to know another.’ It is someone who knows too much about you, who can predict and manipulate your spirit. Never allow yourself to be known completely by an-other human being. Never replace the comfort of the Holy Spirit with human friendships! No person can be ‘god’ to you! Friendship with people who have Familiar spirits will affect you with strange sexual lust and anxious guilty conscience!
“‘Do not turn to spirits of the dead, and do not inquire of familiar spirits, to be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God..I’ll oppose and eliminate from contact with his people whoever consults mediums or familiar spirits, thereby committing spiritual prostitution with them” (Lev 19:31; 20:6)
In Christ I declare:
I will bring all my relationships to my Heavenly Father’s altar and lay them there. Lord, may the only ones that survive the fire of Your jealousy remain. I let go of all the rest. May all my relationships bring You glory, even in my marriage and friendships. I ask for forgiveness and cleansing for any ungodly relationships. In Jesus’ name, Amen!


“You have stayed long enough at this mountain. Break camp and advance… go… see… Go in and take possession…” (Deut 1:6-8)
There is something called “frozen” will. Too much thinking, too many options, emotional overload, too many questions of ‘what to do next’ until your will becomes frozen and you can’t move on at all. You have to make a decision! See, you are exhausting the available time to act. The door of opportunity opens and closes and you are still there in front of it. A door is a sign to move on! Are you afraid to try, afraid of change, afraid to move on, or afraid of making mistakes? While waiting for the ‘perfect’ moment, you may lose the only moment you have! Be ready for a change! Be ready to see and possess something new. Just move forward the next time the door opens. You never know when, but it may be any time, thru the narrow way, straight into your destiny! As for me, I’ll see you over there…
In Christ I declare:
It is true: In the past, I have wasted too many opportunities to move ahead in my life! But no more wasting! By faith, the next opportunity God gives to me, the next door He opens for me, I shall go though it; body, soul and spirit! Help me God! No more regrets! No more delays! No more fears! No more doubts!
Watch people: the next thing you see of me shall be only my ‘break lights’ (A Nigerian slang meaning you see the back of the car, moving on). Today is the day God has made! I shall rejoice and I shall be glad in it! Oya! (Another Nigerian slang meaning ‘let’s go’!)
In Jesus’ name,


“So they come to you as people do, they sit before you as My people, and they hear your words, but they do not do them; for with their mouth they show much love, but their hearts pursue their own gain. Indeed you are to them as a very lovely song of one who has a pleasant voice and can play well on an instrument; for they hear your words, but they do not do them” (Ezekiel 33:31, 32)
Many people (I call them ‘spiritual artists’) like prophetic meetings and prophetic utterances. They like to feel the rush of emotions when the secrets of hearts are revealed, when darkness gives way to the light of God. They like the sound of prophetic words spoken aloud in a congregation. They quote the prophet’s words to others, they admire them, they say ‘wow,’ they imagine the background music compatible with the utterance for the season; they design T-Shirts and banners or dance to the tune of heavenly bells. But… here comes the sad part of the story; they just like the sound of the words but they do not take them seriously, they do not obey them! Is this possible? Absolutely! In fact, it is quite common.
God warned Ezekiel to be careful with people who pay the price for a visit, have the right greeting prepared at the door, the attached smile and hand-shake, and all the flattery ready… but they were not true friends at all! They were gossips and greedy for selfish gain. They came to visit the prophet to glean some ‘garage sale’ prophetic words, cheaply bought but with some little polishing and repackaging in order to make millions in their latest bestselling books.
God’s Word is not a luxury, it is not sugar icing on our emotions or chewing gum to keep us awake in the church. The Word of God is not for sale! The Word of God is life, it is salt, and light in the darkness and it is the greatest weapon given to men!
In Christ I declare:
I trust in God and I trust in His Prophets! Because of this, I am established spiritually! I shall experience victory and prosperity!
In Jesus’ name,


‘I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the sea shore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed Me” (Gen 22:16-18)

God calls Abraham up on the mountain. He is now an old man. All His prayers have been answered. God’s promises to him have been fulfilled. Possibly he thought; ‘what else is there to talk about?’ Then God says He wants back that which He has given: the promised Son. God wants Isaac, as an offering. How can a man process this in his mind? But Abraham is God’s friend and friends trust each other even when they do not understand. Abraham started climbing the mountain. He told his servants he was going up there ‘to worship.’ They carried the fire and the wood… ‘But where is the lamb?’ Isaac wondered. ‘The Lord shall provide Himself with a Lamb,’ said Abraham. Jehovah Jireh, God the Provider is His name; He provides the need and He supplies the answer. That is the God we shall worship forever. No fear, no going down the mountain without a glory encounter!!!

God indeed provided the Lamb, not just on the mountain to save Isaac from death and to save Abraham from crime. But He provided His Own Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the spotless, sinless Lamb who by His death on the Cross saved all who believe! Now you know the secret of my worship!!!

In Christ I declare:
God is my God! God is my Father! God is my Provider! God is my Praise! In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint.” (Is 40:31)

The eagle is a royal bird. One of the cherubs around the throne of God has the face of an eagle. Eagles inspire us! Eagles know how to be lonely and they know how to rejoice as families. Eagles flock together. They never mix with other birds. Lesson: We pray for discernment to be careful with the people we call friends. Just as light cannot mix with darkness so a believer should not be intimate with an unbeliever.

Eagles do not eat dead things; only the vultures do. Lesson: We take the Holy Communion, the Body and the Blood of Christ, who is Life and the Living God.

Eagles mate for life. But they test each other before commitment. The female takes a twig up in the air and drops it. The interested male will go and catch it and return it to her. Then she flies higher and drops it again. The male is to go and faithfully catch it each time. Any male that gets tired of cooperating, of ‘sacrificing himself’ for her, working or playing with her, will be rejected. Lesson: A righteous person is prudent and prayerful when choosing his (hers) life partner. Be friends! Labor together in God’s vineyard, study each other’s ministry before you even consider a marriage candidate. Can you pray together? Can you repent together? Can you rejoice together? Test before you commit into marriage!

During winter, some eagles have to migrate to other places. If they have to leave the nest, the eagles migrate alone, for safety purposes. In spring time, they come back from different places to the same nest. They openly rejoice to find each other again. They fly together, hunt together, just for the pure pleasure to reconciliation. Lesson: both husband and wife need to be strong individually, to withstand pressures of loneliness in ministry and life in general. The period of separation may be hours or days, but there is always a rejoicing, a coming back together,which is ever sweeter.

In old age, the eagle goes away to a lonely spot and plucks up all his feathers by himself. Then he patiently waits for them to grow back again. That is a lonely and vulnerable place to be. But the new feathers are stronger than the old ones and he comes back to his nest with renewed power and zeal for life. Lesson: The Cross is not just history. Unbelievers totally ignore its call. As a believer, you are supposed to know its power intimately, to trust God for seasons of hiding and for the power to push you higher than even before. This power of resurrection is the sure and unique stamp of the true child of God!

In the scripture above, all the words are in plural. You have to imagine many eagles helping one another to fly higher than ever before. This is the power of the encouragement in the Body of Christ. If you are discouraged, look at another believer, and rise from self-pity! If you are bored with the Bible, admire the hunger for righteousness in another brother or sister! Get up to pay the price for it! If you are afraid of your environment, see other believers who face worst temptations than you and still stand to confront the enemy! If you are in doubt, imitate other believers who persevere unto the end, focused and faithful! You are an eagle, not a chicken! Look for other eagles! God’s eagles!

The marathon race is hard. Many start but few finish it. The true champions will tell you that it is easy to start. It is hardest in the middle of it. But if you persevere, then suddenly, the joy of receiving the crown will ignite a new, strange power in you. It is the secret deposit of the Holy Spirit within. I have experienced it. I witness to the glory and to the never ending reserves of Christ in me, the hope of Glory! There is a point in the journey of life when you can confidently say: No more weariness, no more fainting! So, on the wings of prayer and praise, just like the eagles, rise up my friend! I’ll see you up there!



“Dear children, let us not love with only words but with actions and in truth” (1 Jn 3:18)
When my husband and I got married 44 years ago, the foundation of our marriage was love. Because we married as unbelievers, our relationship was based on an impure love mixed with lust, I might say. This is our testimony: when Christ saved our souls He also purified our marriage relationship. He changed our ‘polluted water-love’ into ‘ pure wine-love’. Praise the Lord!
As a pastor, I counsel many people who plan to marry, especially the women. I see more and more young (and not so young) people who plan to marry, not for love, not to fulfill their destinies, but for ‘business- like’ reasons. There is no romantic love as I used to know it. They marry to ‘settle’ in a marriage that has only financial or social gain. They call it love. But it is not. Many of them, even after their marriage, they continue to keep their single life style. They keep their former friends as close friends. The topic of their discussions does not change. It does not reflect their new position as married people. There is a terrible danger of marrying to have more money, to please friends or to impress the world. The devil is deceiving many people to misuse the gift of marriage for self promotion! How sad! A wrong foundation is an hindrance to the growth of love, to the maturity of the marriage relationship.
“Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed” (Gen 2:24, 25). Marriage is a gift from God. If you desire to marry, you must ‘leave’ your past relationships before you can ‘cleave’ to your marriage partner. This God ordained ‘cleaving’ is a covering so that in marriage, you do not feel ‘naked and ashamed’. If the husband or the wife are still closely connected to their natural family and former friends, they will feel ‘naked and ashamed’. They will feel an inferiority complex concerning their status as a married couple. They feel apologetic now that they are married. They shall lack the confidence of a romantic love and the holy boldness manifested in a godly mature marriage, as God designed it to be.
The question is this: what do you do if you discover that you got married for the wrong reasons? Divorce is not an option because ‘God hates divorce’ (Mal 2:16). You need a miracle from God! Your marriage needs the touch of the Living God. Your marriage needs to be ‘born again’. The Holy Spirit must change your marriage. Money and friends cannot fix it. You need a true new beginning! A new foundation must be laid! Christ must be that foundation! Adjustments must be made in line with the Word of God. These changes are painful but necessary. There must be a testimony based on prayers, repentance and restitution.
This is my counsel: Dear married couples: please pay the price to have a new, good, spiritual, sweet and successful, Bible based marriage! It is not easy but it is more than worth it! God bless you!


“Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God” (Ps 42: 11)
These few weeks I met passivity in the hearts of many believers; it is a type of discouragement and apathy; a strange affliction that makes their faith weak; like a soldier that does not buttons his coat, forgets his cap and drags his weapon on the ground…
Warning! It is an infection! It is an evil spirit! It is an occult virus! Fight back, believer! Jehovah Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts) is with you! May your testimony increase! Let the devil be disgraced! Let the saints be encouraged!
“Because He lives, I can face tomorrow! Because He lives, all fear is gone! Because I know, that He holds my future! My life is worth the living just because Christ lives!”
In Christ I declare:
I am a child of God! God is the strength of my heart and my confidence for-ever! My hope is not in men or circumstances, but in God! I trust God who is the Lifter of my head! Sickness and sorrow are not my gods; they are not my counselors! I shall not listen to their words! I believe the Word of God and His Promises! Jesus is my Savior and my Lord! I will fear no man, no virus, no demon! I am free to praise God! I will praise God! Hear me say out loud; “Praise the Lord!”
In Jesus’ name,
SLL 74


Jesus said “…he was born blind in order that the workings of God should be manifested (displayed and illustrated) in him.”
(Jn 9: 3 AMP)
God permits trials to come. Trials can be sickness, bareness, loneliness, poverty or misunderstanding… He allows these to come for a season, so that we can pray. Pain is a friend that brings us closer to God. In His presence, we find a new wonderful solution to the challenge, something so new and creative that the human mind cannot imagine it. God’s work is so unique and so wonderful that everybody declares ‘The Lord is God!’ The enemy has his chance to perform fake works only before the fire falls. The work of God is never in secret. God may be silent but He is never ‘shy.’ Pray not that your pain will disappear! That is too simple! Pray that your pain will welcome the work of God and surely, the testimony of healing will follow, and God will have His glory!
In Christ I declare:
I am a child of God! This trial I am passing through is temporary! God’s love for me is eternal! Nothing in all creation is able to separate me from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, our Lord! God’s love never fails! God’s love overpowers and destroys any sickness or pain; I believe! I now have peace! Today is a good day for me!
In Jesus’ name,


“And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths…” (Lk 2:7)

We are in the Christmas season. We celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Mary, His young mother, ‘brought forth her first born Son’. Surely, she experienced mixed feelings. She was told that her Son will be a King but there was no room in the inn for them. She had to deliver Him in a stable and lay Him in a manger, the place where animals feed. King Herod wanted her baby dead. But shepherds and wise men bowed before the Baby. Mary had to learn fast, how to take care and protect this baby, God’s gift to humanity. It was not easy… But God was with her, with them…”Oh, come let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord!”

The Nativity story brought back memories to me… This is my story, as a young mother in Romania… As a doctor I delivered many pregnant women. As a pastor, I prayed for women to become mothers. I rejoiced with them when their children were born. They all look so happy… But my case, was different… I still remember the feeling I had when my first child, my dear son was born. I was a student in the medical school. I was a young wife. My husband was from Nigeria, my colleague in the medical school. At that time, I was an unbeliever. I never prayed. I did not see a Bible with my eyes. In the past, I prepared myself mentally and emotionally to be a wife and a doctor. I had great dreams and a clear vision about my future marriage and chosen profession. I read many books about successful marriages and how to practice humanitarian medicine. But I did not prepare myself enough to be a parent. I thought that I should be a mother when I will be older… I thought that I still have time to study ‘the subject’. My husband and I planned to have children after graduation. But God had another plan. Motherhood was bestowed upon me by a God I did not know at the time.

Our first baby was born as a medical emergency before the expected date of delivery. They were complications… I started bleeding heavily… The doctor said that they will first save my life. But the chance for the baby boy to live was 50-50. But the baby made it!!!! Oh, the relief… I looked at him… So beautiful… but fragile too… My first night as a mother, in that hospital bed, I just could not sleep. I suddenly became afraid that I will not be able to be a good mother to this baby. I also knew that our relationship will last for a life time. For better or for worst, that is a long time… I felt the mantle of responsibility falling on my young shoulders. Years passed by… Often, this mantle was light and easy but so heavy other times…

Our baby is a man now. He is a husband and a father. But the mantle of motherhood placed on me by God on the day he was born is still on me. I feel it. Motherhood thought me many lessons of life I could not have learned otherwise.. The truth is that at the beginning I struggled with it. As a single woman I felt free. But now, married and with a baby, I felt the restrictions. For example, I could not go to visit my friends any time I wanted. This responsibility of being a mother, like a covering blanket, stayed on… Knowing what I know now, I say: ‘Thank God’! It was only after I became saved that I truly accepted it without complaining, especially when hard days came by. In a way, I grew up together with my children… This gift of motherhood (and even grand-motherhood), I now enjoy it. Finally! I now walk with it, in the assurance that God, who gave me these children, He is in charge of their lives and mine… We shall walk together, from beginning to the end. Motherhood brought me closer to God! This knowledge makes me so happy! It even gets better day by day!

May this testimony encourage young (and not so young) parents today! Fear not! You are not alone! God loves you and God loves your baby! From the beginning to the end of the journey of life, God is with you! Glory to God!!!





“Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies” (PV 31:10)
As a woman of God, as a wife, each time I need refreshing from the Word of God, I read Proverbs 31. This passage never fails to attract me, to strengthen me, to stir me up and to bless me with fresh revelations. I am reminded that God has a particular woman in mind to be the Bride of Christ. It is not easy to be a godly woman. No good thing happens by accident. There is a price to pay to become God’s best; ‘a virtuous woman’ in the eyes of your husband, children and community. To be virtuous it means to be morally excellent, righteous and upright before God and man. It means to be honest, noble, principled, faithful, praiseworthy, un-bribable, spotless and guiltless. It also means to be above suspicion, a good and perfect example to others. The opposite of ‘virtuous’ is to be sinful, wicked, a liar and a deceiver. In Hebrew, the word ‘virtuous’ it means to be a strong soldier, the captain of an army. It means to be rich and generous. The word describes a woman in labor. She is in pain, waiting patiently, with hope and courage, for her baby to be born. She is looking forward to the joyful satisfying rest of fruitfulness. Her worth is ‘above rubies’. Her ‘bride price’ is priceless. Only the Blood of Jesus is able to purchase the soul of His bride. She is not foolish. She knows the value God has set on her. She is not ready to compromise her destiny or the future of her descendants. This high standard of character and behavior is possible only to a child of God, who is filled with the Holy Spirit.

The world has its own description of what it means to be a successful woman. The world loves to see women with superficial beauty, slim and without pimples, having professional make up, with expensive jewelry, beautiful clothes and natural charm. But what is God’s idea of a perfect woman? The first thing I see here is that this woman ‘fears God’ (PV 31:30). God is at the center of her life, the reason for her testimony and the source of her success. The second thing I see is that this woman loves her God given family. She does not live independent from people. She has invested her life, effort, prayers and time in the lives of her husband and her children (natural and spiritual). She takes care of her household, even of her servants. She invested in people and she now enjoys a great harvest of love. In her old age she enjoys the fruit of her labor.

This woman is a good wife. She submits to her husband and helps him fulfill his destiny. From the beginning of her marriage and until old age, she is not a liability to him, but a blessing. “The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life” (PV 31:11, 12). Her husband trusts her with his heart. This is total trust. He trusts her with his body and his soul, with his spiritual life, with their children and their finances. Trust is rare to find. Trust must be earned. It does not come automatically. Over the years, her husband has studied and tested his wife, during good times and bad times. She prayed and she stood with him. Together, they overcame problems and trials. They wept together and rejoiced together. She proved to him that she is faithful, wise, strong, stable and spiritual. This husband trusts his wife. They have become friends and true partners in life.

“Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land” (PV 31:23). The virtuous woman prays for, helps and encourages her husband to be a man of God. She does not compete with him. She complements him. Her husband fulfills God’s will for his life. This is a great achievement and true success. Behind the scenes, his wife rejoices and praises God for her husband’s success. He praises her saying: “Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all.” (PV 31:29). The husband’s open public praise and recognition of his wife’s love and faithfulness over the years is a sign of a true, mature, godly and happy marriage. This woman is a good mother and her children appreciate her.

The third thing I see is that this godly woman works very hard. She works at home and outside the home. The reason why she works is to glorify God and to benefit of her family. Her work does not hinder her responsibilities in the home. Her work is hard. She wakes early in the morning and she sleeps late at night. She travels far away to buy things to sell. But she does not grumble; she truly enjoys her labor. She “willingly works with her hands” (PV 31:13). In Hebrew, the word ‘willingly’ means to work with pleasure and purpose. Her work is valuable to her. Each day she plans her work. There is no confusion and no stress. Even when she has to do humble work in the house (for example, washing dishes or clothes), she feels blessed and happy.

Dear sister, is that your experience? Do you fear God? Do you really enjoy your life, your marriage, your motherhood and your work? As you are getting older, do you become happier and more fulfilled? Can I ask your husband, your children, your servants of your neighbors, what kind of woman are you? Do you want to be ‘a Proverbs 31’ woman of God? You single sisters… do you desire to be this type of wife and mother? You older woman of God, are you ready to mentor and teach the younger women how to be good wives and mothers? Then pray for the strength to become a living proof that God’s Word is true. Pray that you may fulfill destiny and become a blessing to many. This is God’s will for you! For the glory of God and for the good of many people! In Jesus name, amen!


(In the picture, you see some beautiful, expensive rubies)


“O, Lord of hosts, if You will indeed look on the affliction of Your maidservant and remember me, and not forget Your maidservant, but will give Your maidservant a male child, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life, and no razor shall come upon his head.” (1Sam 1:11)
The word ‘Sabaoth’ in Hebrew means an army, soldiers, hosts, an assembly of trained men (or angels), prepared to wait and move at the command of their captain to perform exploits for His name. It is the ‘military’ name of God. This revelation is not given to ‘baby’ Christians or civilians (worldly Christians). It is only given to the mature believers, the soldiers in God’s army.
Hannah is in agony because she is barren. (This story applies to every barren situation in your life.) She worships Jehovah Sabaoth every year but still, there is no answer. This time she leaves all human help behind and moves on to pray alone. She makes a vow to Jehovah Sabaoth (The Lord of hosts), that if He gives her what no man can give (a son) then she will give back to Him what she has received. In other words, she makes a vow to the Lord of Hosts that if He gives her a boy, he will be a soldier in His army. God answers and this is how Prophet Samuel was born. It is with this anointing as God’s soldier that Samuel later kills Amalek to pieces in the presence of God (1Sam 15:33).
To be a soldier (for Christ) you need four things:
• To make a personal DECISION to enroll in the army of the only Living God. From this moment there is no going back!
• To be filled daily with genuine COURAGE to live for God!
• To ENDURE all things as discipline. From now on, no complains are allowed. The result of discipline for a soldier is that he will fear his Commander (Jesus) more than he fears his enemy (the devil) (2Tim 1:7; 2:3, 4).
• To have 100 percent HOPE that his victory is sure (2 Cor 2:14).
God has many names. Each name revels an angle of His character. Jehovah Sabaoth is the battle name of God. He does not answer any (fancy, ‘civilian’) prayer. Like in Hannah’s case, He surely answers the desperate prayers of the oppressed! To be desperate means to be in extreme need, anxious to live, to lose all hope to live if help is not given. Because Jehovah Sabaoth lives, there is no reason why a believer should ever know defeat!
In Christ I declare: I am a child of God! I fear nothing and nobody except my God! I gave my life to Christ, unconditionally! Whatever He wants to do with it, is good enough for me! I receive the Resurrection power of the Holy Spirit of Life! I will not even consider backsliding, betrayal or suicide! I will never complain about any situation I find myself in! I no longer live, but Christ lives and does His work in me! I have the hope of glory sealed in my heart! No matter the trials, I will always believe that my future is better than my past! The Lord of Hosts has remembered me! My shameful bareness is gone! I am pregnant with life and fruitful with the Spirit! To the glory of God! In Jesus’ name, Amen!
(In the picture, a sister in Christ, during the Sunday service in our church)
Pregnant woman


“Many waters cannot quench the flame of love, neither can the floods drown it. If a man tried to buy it with everything he owned, he couldn’t do it” (SS 8:7).

My husband and I are happily married for almost 45 years. We are parents to three adult children and have six grandchildren. I see marriage as a gift from God. Because I fear God, I fear to damage my marriage. I cannot be a happy wife without the help of the Holy Spirit. I daily read the Bible. I grow in wisdom and knowledge. Therefore my marriage becomes better, sweeter.

I pray daily for my husband, for our children, grandchildren, our health, our ministries and wisdom to handle our finances. I pray to see Christ in my husband (in his words and deeds). I love peace to reign in my home. I hate quarrels and divisions.

I respect my husband not only in my words and deeds, but even in my heart. I pray to be able to see him not just as my husband, not as the father or our children, but as my pastor, as a holy man of God. My prayer has been answered. I have ‘a kitchen ministry’. I like to cook for him and serve his food. I like it when he is hungry and he sits at the table waiting for me to bring the food. we always pray before each meal. I like it when we eat together and we gist about the daily activities, the plans for the day, prayer points. I like to wake up in the morning knowing that he is my husband. I like to ask him ‘what do you want to eat for breakfast?’ His answer makes me happy! Sometimes he likes Nigerian breakfast, and other times the ‘oyibo’ style. Anyone is good with me. I may fail a catering exam, but he likes the food I cook for him. That is all that matters for me!

Christ has simplified my life. I love Jesus first and my husband secondly. I do not even dream about another god or any other man. Even after all these years, I appreciate my husband’s love for me. I appreciate the fact that out of millions of women he chose me to be his wife. At the table, he has his own favorite chair. If a visitor comes and by mistake he sits there, I will not allow it. I will gently tell the visitor to use another seat. My husband has his own favorite plate. It is old but he likes it. I do not use his plate for other people. These may not be ‘big things’ but to me, these are symbols of respect.

Long ago I knew that he will be a man of God. I started studying the Bible with great passion. The knowledge of the Word of God is for my own soul and to help my husband. I love it when we discuss the doctrines and new revelations from the Bible. I love it when I have something good to add to the discussion. We are friends and lovers. We rejoice with one another. Time has not reduced this joy. In fact, it has made it better. The water has now become sweet wine. We drink it and have no apologies for our intoxicating love. The passion to love God and one another is the holy fire that burns in our home. No man or devil can quench it. It is to the glory of God that we are not religious hypocrites. There is genuine salvation, peace and joy of the Holy Ghost in our souls and in our home! We my head bowed down I write: “Thank You Father, Son and Holy Ghost!”

Dear children of God, may God bless you with the blessings of Christ and with the gift of a wonderful marriage! In Jesus’ name!

RSL and SLL 1




A dear faithful loving family in our church, after waiting for many years, praying with tears for the fruit of the womb, was blessed with these beautiful twins (a boy and a girl)! See me-ooo!!! I am a blessed spiritual grandma! I was in my office when their mother came to ‘present the babies’ to me. I also remember that in my head, Psalm 126 was ringing like a melody. I use myself as a point of contact to pray and join faith with other soon-to-be-mothers!
“May God bless you with the blessings of Christ! May God bless the fruit of your wombs! May God favor me by increasing my ministry as a grandmother in Christ! This is my wish! This is my prayer! In Jesus’ name this grandma has prayed! Amen!”
“When the Lord brought back his exiles to Jerusalem,
it was like a dream!
We were filled with laughter,
and we sang for joy.
And the other nations said,
“What amazing things the Lord has done for them.”
Yes, the Lord has done amazing things for us!
What joy!
Restore our fortunes, Lord,
as streams renew the desert.
Those who plant in tears
will harvest with shouts of joy.
They weep as they go to plant their seed,
but they sing as they return carrying the harvest”
(Psalm 126)
Twins Michael and Michaia Ojigho



“All the king’s servants and the people of the king’s provinces know that any man or woman who goes into the inner court to the king, who has not been called, he has but one law: put all to death, except the one to whom the king holds out the golden scepter, that he may live. Yet I myself have not been called to go in to the king these thirty days” (Est 4:11)
Mordecai tells Esther that in the absence of God’s miracle, their people will die. The wicked Haman has convinced the king to sign a law by which all the Jews in Persia should be killed. Queen Esther is the only one who can do something to save God’s people. But there are many difficulties. Esther tells Mordecai that no man or woman can go to see the king uninvited. She can die for such an act. But if the king holds the golden scepter of mercy towards her, then she will live. There is also another problem: the king has not called her to his private chambers for thirty days. Esther, like any wife, is not sure if the king’s love towards her has ‘cooled down’. Haman must have tried his best to make the king forget the love he had for his beloved queen. There is also a possibility that the king is too busy with the affairs of the state or planning a war. A busy man easily forgets his wife…
The window of successful intercession is very small. Esther has to decide fast. This is an emergency. She decides to fast and pray with her maids. She asks that all the Jews do the same. It is a critical moment in the destiny of the people of God! It is a matter of life and death. Overcoming her fears, moved by faith in Jehovah alone, Esther decides that she will be a living sacrifice! She will go and see the king; uninvited by man but led and accompanied by the Spirit of God… You know the end of the story. By the grace of God, Esther succeeds in her mission. The evil man Haman is killed and the Jews are saved, to the glory of God.
My husband and I are married for almost 45 years. We got married as unbelievers. Then we became saved. We left our medical profession to start a church. We are now in full time ministry. Over the years, as a wife, I had to learn the spiritual protocol of marriage. There was a time my husband was very involved in national politics in Nigeria. It was a lonely difficult time for us, especially for me. We give God all the glory for sustaining us and our marriage during all those lonely years.
Personally, I have learned many great lessons from Queen Esther. For example, there were times when I had to go and see my husband for urgent matters. I learned never to go in ‘flesh’ to meet with him. He hates to see me agitated, panicking, crying or complaining like an ‘ordinary unbelieving woman’. He wanst to see me composed, wise and strong. In the past, as an unbeliever, I failed this test many times. But after I became born again and filled with God’s Spirit, I learned to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. No matter the situation, before I go to meet with him, I remember to stop everything, breath in and out, take a minute of silence and pray to God. God is my first Helper, Savior, Counselor and Friend! God is the Stabilizer of my heart! Especially in moments of crisis, God is my Everything!
For me, in times like these, English or Romanian is a wasting of time. I usually pray in tongues. I pray that the Holy Spirit goes before me to touch my husband’s heart and open a way for me. I never take it for granted that I can burst into his office just because I am his wife. I need the grace of God always! I pray that when he sees me, he will not see just a foolish, confused woman, but a true woman of God. I pray for a fresh testimony and not just to solve my problems! I pray that I obtain favor with him even as I speak. I pray that the Holy Spirit gives me the right words, spoken in the right way and in the right tone. I pray that my body language shows faith in God and if need be, the courage to fight spiritual warfare. I pray that, no matter the challenge, God will help us maintain the unity of the Spirit between my husband and I. I pray that our marriage survives the attacks and the extra burdens of so many needy people. I usually bind the evil spirits of fear, doubt, confusion, impatience, division, anger, emotional manipulation and foolishness. They shall not speak. They shall have no room to manifest between the two of us.
I pray for the unity of the Spirit; that both of us see things in the same way! I pray that the peace of God reigns in both of our hearts and in the marriage. I pray that Christ is glorified in the midst of this problem. I pray that the test will become a new testimony. All these requests are ‘translated’ in tongues. I pray in the Spirit as I walk towards my husband. Then I knock at his door. I open it. I enter… The Holy Spirit does His work… We speak calmly. We pray aloud. We agree on the strategy. We are one with God and with one another! The enemy is clearly defeated. The matter is solved in minutes. What seems impossible, after talking and praying together, it now seems so easy, so simple… God is always faithful. Jesus is Lord! We rejoice together! We smile… We laugh… The marriage is becoming stronger. The worship continues…
Dear Child of God, I hope that the Holy Spirit reveals to you my heart. I love God and I love my husband. I pray that the singles will marry; that they will not be discouraged seeing so many broken relationships around. I pray that your marriages are fruitful and they will increase in love, wisdom and faith. I pray that you do not draw back in case of difficulties. I pray that after you have done all, you stand in the glory of the Son! Come back with testimonies! I wish you well!
(In the picture, my husband, Pastor Richmond Leigh and I, dressed in Nigerian clothes)
RSL and SLL 3


M-am nascut in Romania in anii ’50. Astăzi, 1 decembrie, România sărbătorește 100 de ani de când a devenit o țară. Rugăciunea mea pentru România este că oamenii vor cunoaște pe Isus Hristos și ei vor fi mântuiți. Mă rog ca credincioșii să fie reînviți. Mă rog ca Duhul Sfânt să acopere România, cum apele acoperă marea! Dumnezeu să binecuvânteze toți românii cu binecuvântările lui Hristos!

I was born in Romania in the fifties. Today, 1st of December, Romania celebrates 100 years since it became a country. My prayer for Romania is that people will know Jesus Christ and they become saved. I pray that the believers will be revived. I pray that the Holy Spirit covers Romania as the waters cover the sea! God bless all the Romanians with the blessings of Christ!

Romania flag