Jesus Christ is 100% Man and 100% God. He revealed to us the greatest human love and the greatest divine love. Many claim that are believers but they are following a denomination, an idea or a dream. They have religious zeal but they lack the seal of love. It is only a born again child of God that is privileged to manifest true love.

The greatest and the highest love a man can ever manifest is ‘to lay down his life for his friends’. This is what Jesus said. From time to time, in the history of mankind, there were few heroes who did just that. Paying the price for this servant love, they became leaders of men. The rest admired them, followed them and even worshipped them. They became a source of inspiration thru the power of love.

In the Bible, the best example of such a love is shown by David’s ‘three mighty men’. They were his true friends. They heard him say that he wanted to drink a cup of water from the well of Bethlehem. He was home-sick. He was tired of running thru the wilderness. For a moment he became weak; a child lost in this strange, wicked world. Tired and thirsty, that cup from the spring of Bethlehem was a longing, a refreshing to his body and to his soul. But that sweet water of revival was not cheap. The well was behind the enemy’s lines. But the three friends loved David. His whispered wish was their command. They quickly decided to go over there by night, when ‘ordinary’ men are sleeping. They risked their lives but at last they brought to him the water of life. Shaking, with the cup in his hands, David could not drink the water because of the price involved. He poured it on the ground as a sacrifice unto the Lord. That is the greatest love a man has, to lay down his life, to die for his friends.

But Jesus went higher than that. He manifested the love of the Father, ‘the agape love’. He did what no man could ever do. He did what no man could ever imagine. He did not just die for His friends. He died for His enemies!!! He died for us, the enemies of God!!! He loved us, the sinners. He died for us ‘while we were still powerless’ and wicked. He died for us long before we knew we needed salvation.

This is the Gospel we preach: ‘Christ died for the ungodly’!

The words below are holy. Please read and mediate on them.

‘Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man. Though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrate His love for us in this: while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us’

O, How I love Jesus…

That is why I will never stop serving God!

That is why I will never cease to praise His name!

(Jn 15:13; 2Sam 23:13-17; Rom 5:6-8)


  1. So good. Thank you for the reminder. How often do we take life for granted? May my life always bring Jesus glory!

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