“There is none who does good, no, not one.

Their throat is an open tomb;

With their tongues they have practiced deceit;

The poison of asps is under their lips…

Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness” (Rom 3:12-14)


Apostle Paul quotes these two Psalms (14 and 53) in the Book of Romans chapter three. Just in case the Jews or the religious people thought that they are better or wiser than the foolish pagans, here they are convicted by the same words. When it comes to sin, the religious Jews and the pagan Gentiles stand condemned shoulder to shoulder. They all need a Savior. They all need salvation which is found in Christ alone. Here in the Book of Romans the picture of the Biblical fool is even more tragic. The sin of foolishness has reached its climax.  All unbelievers are called ‘unprofitable, deceitful, full of bitterness, dangerous criminals, destructive and miserable…’ They are enemies of God, strangers to truth, to all goodness, mercy and peace. They totally lack the fear of God which is the seed, the beginning of wisdom. They are wicked, foolish and dangerous doubters.


Do not excuse foolishness! Fools are not ‘innocent and mild’ sinners. When the fool says in his heart that ‘there is no God’ he denies all things pertaining to God. The fool ignores and opposes the Word of God, the Kingdom of God, the servants of God, the Holy Spirit, even the very presence of God that gives him breath. The fool cares nothing about cursing, slander or mocking all God’s children. They cause much harm thru their selfish, deadly words. Their main weapon is their mouth; they hurt and try to destroy the faith of many with their bitter, poisonous words.

Have you ever experienced the provocation of a religious fool? You need to be filled with the Holy Spirit to escape unharmed. Their words are like fiery darts. You need to put on the whole armor of God, especially the shield of faith to quench such aggressive foolishness coming from ‘a believer’! Selah!

“Stone is heavy and sand a burden, but provocation by a fool is heavier than both’ (PV 27:3)

Do not underestimate a fool’s mouth…Do not think that a fool is funny…Fools deny God because they refuse to worship and to give Him the glory! May God have mercy on them and us all!


In Christ I declare:

I reject all foolish and empty arguments!

I put on the whole armor of God!

I am filled with the Holy Spirit!

In Jesus name


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