“A wide door for effective ministry has opened for me, yet many oppose me” (1Cor 16:9)

Before I got saved, I was a very shy person. In school, when we were organizing theater productions, I could never be an actor. I was always working as ‘the producer’ behind the scenes. I was easily intimidated by people or circumstances. I was intelligent and hard working. For me, to pass an exam, I had to over- prepare to answer the questions. I will read much more than it is necessary so that I can build confidence indirectly. I will do very well in a written exam, and not so well when face to face with the teacher. I chose to read medicine so that I can be in the place of power, to beat this crippling timidity. One of the qualities that attracted me to my husband was the fact that he was bold and so confident in the midst of people. To me, that was a great, even supernatural achievement. Thank God that our children resemble their father and that they are strong confident people.

The stronghold of fear was destroyed after I became born again. I recognized fear for what it truly is: an evil spirit. 2 Timothy 1:7 became my daily bread. Because of my past weakness, I repeat this scripture to myself more than others. The Word of God helped me. The Holy Spirit filled me to overflow and drove all fears away. The only fear able to survive in my heart is the fear of God. This is my necessary oxygen to breathe. When the Lord sent us from the US to Nigeria to start Father’s House Bible Church, I almost backslid in regard to my fears. I told my husband that I can work ‘behind the scenes’. That is I can pray by myself, intercede for the whole of Nigeria. But let me not stand before people and talk. But he refused my arguments. he said that God told us to start the church and both of us must do everything necessary to proclaim the Gospel. he encouraged me that the Holy Spirit will help us both. When God and husband ‘gang’ together to encourage me to be a pastor, how can I resist? This is how I became what, by the grace of God, I am now: a woman of God! To God alone be all the glory!

Fear is a terrible thing. The only fear acceptable to a believer is the reverential fear of God. Any other fear is a spiritual attack, arrows coming directly from the devil, to plant poisonous seeds in your mind. Fear is described as a painful emotion based on perceived danger. This danger may be real or imaginary. The attack of fear is intended to divide the mind and to produce doubt in the believer. Fear is the enemy of faith. Once you permit fear to infiltrate your spirit, it will become very hard for you to trust God, especially for miracles and breakthroughs. Once there is fear inside, you have this feeling that other people or spirits are in charge of your mind, that you cannot control your thoughts.

Fear is driven away by faith in Jesus Christ, just the way you deliver yourself from any evil spirit. The evil spirit of fear has to bow at the name of Jesus! Do not beg fear! Do not tolerate fear! Command it to go away from you! Once it leaves, you shall suddenly feel good, at peace with God and yourself, calm and strong spiritually. Your faith will increase immediately! The Spirit of God shall fill your heart. You shall pray and God will answer you!

A peculiar type of fear manifests when you have to stand in the presence of God and before a congregation and to preach the Gospel of Christ Crucified. The devil attacks all faithful servants of the Lord. His intent is to make them cowards, too weak to proclaim the truth. The preaching of the Gospel with anointing and power is always done in the face of much spiritual opposition. The Word of God is eternal and all powerful. But you have to learn to speak it with your mouth for others to hear it. Fear will make you too timid to do ministry in such a way that souls are saved. The Word of God in your heart must come with fire and passion. It will then become a hammer that breaks the rocks of opposition and stubbornness in your hearers. The Word of God in your mouth becomes fire and the people will be wood.

My advice is to confront your fears immediately and to drive them away! Do not waste time! It can become a stronghold that is much more difficult to destroy! Be a servant of God, a preacher of His Gospel! Preach to one or to many! Keep the Cross before you and see the price Jesus paid to save your soul! He died that you may live for Him! He died that you may work for Him! That revelation is the Mighty Rock of spiritual stability and your eternal source of power, love and of a grateful heart! Be free!

In Christ I declare:
I am free from all fears!
I only fear God!
I am a servant of God!
I preach Christ Crucified!
To the glory of God!
In Jesus name

One comment on “WIDE OPEN DOOR

  1. Amen, dear Lia! And praise God for our freedom in Christ!!!!! ❤ ❤

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